Black Class of 2013 hs Thread

<p>Looks like my plans have changed- I’m learning more to community college I’m 99% sure and don’t know if I should even apply to 4yrs but the SAT was a waste of money&time then.</p>

<p>@ForeIN why have you decided to go to community college?</p>

<p>^ to save money but if a miracle happens that could change.I’ve changed my view on going to a cc,its not so bad.</p>

<p>Have you considered the Gates Millenium Scholarship? The app went live a few weeks ago! I believe its gms dot org</p>

<p>What about Questbridge? If you have dreams of a 4 year school then go for it!!! Don’t let fear/lack of $ stop you from applying… go into it with an open mind realizing that you may not get the $ that you need! You never ever know…do not let this process defeat you! Consider taking the ACT is the SAT didn’t work out…</p>

<p>Hey guys! </p>

<p>I am from Africa where there are very limited opportunities for EC’s. Will this hurt my application?</p>

<p>I have looked at some scholarships but they are mostly for 4yr and I don’t want to read books and write essays for nothing esp since they’re pretty hard to win.</p>

<p>What’s a good number of schools to apply to?</p>

<p>^^And thanks for the suggestions,I don’t think my gpa is high enough.</p>

<p>^If your school doesn’t have a lot of EC you could count activties outside of school maybe church or community service.</p>



<p>Most, if not all, colleges will look at you compared to your surroundings and what you’ve done to take advantage of your situation, whatever that may include.</p>

<p>Ok. I’m glad because Nigeria has very few EC opportunities. The schools don’t care about them and its very hard to get involved with any outside of school because no one else is doing them and you feel strange/demotivated.</p>

<p>I’m not from Africa, but from a very small school/town in the south. Would colleges penalize me for not having many EC’s or taking very many AP’s (I’ve taken all my school has to offer)?</p>

<p>They will consider whether or not you have had a good enough education that you’ll be able to handle their college, but they won’t look down on you for living where you live.</p>

<p>ECs, though, depend on your excuse.</p>

<p>Last time to take SAT/ACT for fall 2013!</p>

<p>Good luck to you! Which score are you shooting for? DD14 will be sitting for the test on 12/1/12. She is currently studying now. Using college board’s online course AND the website number2(dot)c o m which is FREE/and the wonderful khan academy. She has 2 1/2 months to knock it out of the park. It would be great if she could be one and done… so the stress of it will be over with early in her junior year. She will have a mandatory sitting through her school March(all juniors in the school district have to take it then).</p>

<p>Where is everyone applying? This thread has become VERY quiet… please, fill us all in.</p>

<p>Good luck to your DD on test in December. My DD took it several times, but she was happy for her final tests in June.</p>

<p>DD has been doing a lot of diversity visits this Fall. She went to Dartmouth last month and just came back from Harvey Mudd. She goes to Swarthmore at end of month.</p>

<p>Looks like she has narrowed it down to Dartmouth and 4 of the Claremont colleges. Will see where Swarthmore lands after visit.</p>

<p>We are doing lots of visits this fall… in hopes that she will have her list set by the late spring/early summer. So much to think about/consider…how did she like Harvey Mudd? I hear that Pomona is wonderful… did she visit? </p>

<p>What did she say about Dartmouth? What were her thoughts? Not sure if DD14 will apply for the Dartmouth program next year. She will have alot on her plate next summer…</p>

<p>It has become very quiet, but there’s another thread called parents of class of 2013 that is very active if you want to check them out as well.</p>

<p>NewHavenCTMom - that was smart to have your D test soon after the PSAT. Hope she does well. My S took it in May of his Jr year and only scored about 100 points higher than the PSAT but he didn’t really study for either. Getting testing done early really does take a lot of pressure off. My S is a normal average student, not CC average…lol. Hamilton is the reachiest on his list and he’s going to their diversity fly in at the end of this month. His list is heavy on matches with a couple meets 100% need reaches (Hamilton is one).</p>

<p>NewHavenCTmom-My advice is to apply to a lot of the fly in visits in May/June. I was very surprised that DD absolutely loved Dartmouth. Before she went, she wanted to go to an urban college. She really loved the students, teachers and layout of the school. Since they are on the Dplan, sophomores were on campus during the summer. </p>

<p>Harvey Mudd was another surprise. It is the only one of the 5cs that fly you in without asking about income. I wanted her to decide if she really liked the 5cs since we had only visited during the day before. She was blown away by the teachers. Not sure if complete fit because students are very techy, however she had a lot of fun. Harvey Mudd also lets you major at a different college as long as you do core there. If she decides to go premed route, it might be good for her to take science classes at one of the best colleges.</p>

<p>Reeinaz-let us know about Hamilton. Usually if you get into diversity program, you also get in for application.</p>

<p>Thanks L. mom- DD14 did a biotech program @ Univ of New Hampshire for the month of July. Says she liked the campus and could see herself there. But I wondered that day, how quickly a campus like that would get old. Which one doesn’t realize, until… its gotten too old! LOL She will do fly ins for Amherst, Williams and possibly Dartmouth. Or should I say, apply to them… We have other trips planned for this school year. I sure wished she liked P-ton… what an amazing idyllic campus… we may have to visit again in the coming months!!!</p>