Blinn TEAM

<p>Hi there. My DS seems may be a candidate for a Blinn Team offer to A&M (he is probably on the bubble for regular admission). I have searched the forum but I don't see a huge amount of information regarding Blinn Team. If accepted, he will be in the Corps.</p>

<p>1) Does anyone have insights as to this method of gaining admission to A&M?<br>
2) Does anyone know how many (approximately) of the 900+ Fish in the Corps are Blinn TEAM enrollees?
3) Any insights into Blinn TEAM and the Corps?</p>

<p>thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.</p>

<p>not sure about the Corps with Blinn TEAM but, you take courses at Blinn, and at A&M. Make the certain requirements (3.0?) you are automatically accepted into A&M with that major after 2 years. now, after your first year, or even year and a half, you can apply to A&M early and possibly be accepted. I would definitely take the Blinn TEAM offer… youd be surprised at how many blinn students there are. </p>

<p>Here’s a link with some info. <a href=“”>;/a&gt; There are some corps parents on this forum , if you don’t get a reply soon - might want to ask your question under the heading of “Corps Question” to get their attention :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Thanks a ton. I’ll give this one a few days and if no one else replies I’ll put “Corps” in the subject. I think we have found just about all there is to find online as far as official information goes for Blinn TEAM. I was hoping to get some more personal insights from folks who have participated or have had sons/daughters participate. 99% of what we have read to date has been positive about the experience, including info about the Corps and Blinn TEAM. We live about 1400 miles away, so if the experience isn’t right, it will be compounded by distance. Just trying to be sure we know everything we know before he makes his final decision. We visited CS back in the summer and he (and we) absolutely loved it. Thanks!</p>

<p>I can’t help with info, but if he is on the fringe and willing to be in the corps I bet he’ll get in! That is a HUGE plus with TAMU. Good luck!</p>

<p>My son is a senior in the Corps and the FTAB and started through Blinn TEAM. I don’t know what the overall stats are but in his fish company class, 4 out of 33 were Blinn TEAM. Their academic advisor worked closely with them, helping to nagivate thru the transfer process and when to apply. Luckily he was accepted full time after his freshman year… They were great in helping the students through the process. He always felt like he was a part of the school and the Corps, just that he had to take some of his classes at Blinn. If you think Blinn team is an option - I would recommend you go ahead and apply to Blinn, send transcripts, SAT scores etc. We didn’t do that beforehand, and when he got the letter in April we had to scramble to get all that done. Good luck!! It is definitely worth it!!</p>