Blinn TEAM?

What are your other options? Sometimes, those can be better than the alternative options at TAMU, if you have a guaranteed acceptance. The GPA is cumulative so, if you make a 3.5 one semester, you will have to have other semesters higher than that to average out to the 3.8. The bulk of your classes will be at Blinn and only 1-2 (3-4 hours) at A&M. It is possible, but not always easy. One 89 in a class can be the difference in a 4.0 or a 3.75 in a given semester. Last semester, one of my kids, who is a business student at another University, made all A’s and one B, so a 3.75. This semester, if she makes a 4.0, she will have a cumulative 3.8. One semester exam already, she has an 85, so she really needs to hammer out the rest of the semester in order to hope for an A over all. 2 semester tests and final left. HW grades count minimally compared to what one bad semester test and the final can do to a grade.

My other option is U of H and I will most likely be in the honors college

Bro i got a 25 on the act I am going to risk it man. I have some fear of the unknown man about the what ifs.Think about it we got in the blinn team program for a reason we are fully capable of doing it.