Block Plan & Illnesses

<p>S2 has started the college research process and Colorado College is on the list. He's intrigued by the block plan and knowing his personality, it's probably a good fit.</p>

<p>My question: As a freshman, S1 came down with mono and was wiped out for over a week, he had support from the school but really had to hustle to catch up. How does it work at CC? Missing a 1 week of a 3 1/2 week session seems like an insurmountable hurdle. Are you just out of luck? Is there a make-up process? Do you just start over? Do you get a refund on that block's tuition? </p>

<p>I've read the school policy, but I 'd love some feedback from someone who's lived through it.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>S has been at CC for 2 years now and he has been fortunate that there have been no illnesses that caused him to miss classes. So, I don't have an experience to relate.</p>

<p>I discussed this issue with S before he accepted CC. He actually gets a "reasonable" amount of sleep (except on block breaks). He does strenuous activities nearly every day. He takes vitamins and eats regularly and is really into whole foods and "eating right."</p>

<p>I really think the block plan facilitates NOT getting sick. For one thing a student isn't in 5 different classes with a total number of students that greatly exceeds the say 20 people in a block class. So there isn't as much exposure to other potentially contagious students.</p>

<p>Also, there aren't the periods out in the elements 2 or 3 times a day going to and from classes since there is only ONE class.</p>

<p>Thanks 07Dad, it's just that some illnesses are unavoidable. I'm sure there's a way they deal with it and I guess it's better to lose "only one class" versus time in 4 or 5.</p>