Bourbon Street Assault

<p>Horrible behavior by a small group of Bama fans after the championship game is making news. An Alabama fan sexually assaulted a passed out LSU fan (male) while a small group of Tide supporters laughed it up, posed for pictures, and generally enjoyed the show. Apparently some of the revelers (recent Bama grads) have been identified, but not the perpetrator. </p>

<p>Disgraceful, and it goes without saying, not representative of the standards of Bama. If any of you Tiders who attended the game saw something, say something - to the NO police department.</p>

<p>our local news showed the video…</p>

<p>I really hope that one day I will understand why people willingly videotape themselves doing stupid (and illegal) things. I am sure I will never understand the lack of compassion and humanity that exists, but maybe the video thing I may be able to understand at some point. And maybe not…</p>

<p>Local news here picked it up. Won’t be long before it goes national. Link this to Dre Kilpatrick getting arrested on drug charges and Bama is taking a hit image wise. </p>

<p>As one of our more famous alumnus said in the past, and I quote, “Stupid is as stupid does”. </p>

<p>Tiger stadium has quite the reputation on how badly they treat opposing fans, and I personally have witnessed some crazy things there, but this will make things very interesting for our fans next year. We just gave the crazies reason to amp it up!</p>

<p>The drunken, depraved, beahvior of the sexual predator is, obviously, awful. More shocking, to me, is the apathetic (at best) behavior of the bystanders. Who are these people? They had the means to get themselves to the BCS Championship game and the cash for all of the latest Bama gear (and possibly tickets). But not a shred of decency.</p>

<p>It’s disappointing.</p>



<p>Absolutely despicable. May the Bama Nation stand up, speak out, and do the right thing. That’s how you represent.</p>

<p>Tiger stadium has quite the reputation on how badly they treat opposing fans, and I personally have witnessed some crazy things there, but this will make things very interesting for our fans next year. We just gave the crazies reason to amp it up!</p>

<p>I suspect one of us is missing the point of this; could be me. To the extent that, sexual assaults “make thing interesting” and are cause to “amp things up!”, well, then I stand corrected.</p>

<p>Also, you say, “[w]e just gave the crazies …”. We? Who?</p>

<p>I just watched the video and it made my stomach turn. One young man who I heard throughout the first part of the video seemed to be concerned that the young LSU fan may have been dead. He was the only one who seemed even the slightest bit worried about him. Yet, he didn’t go and seek help from the restaurant’s manager or call 911. </p>

<p>The blonde girl and her boyfriend looked like they had the intelligence to understand how serious the LSU fan’s condition was, I guess looks can be deceiving. </p>

<p>The moron who rubbed his genitals in the LSU fan’s face is a pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope that someone turns that creep in and he’s held accountable. It doesn’t matter how drunk he was, there is never an excuse for that kind of behavior. </p>

<p>Fortunately, we all know that this was an isolated incident that involved a small group of UA fans. It is not indicative of the community as a whole and shouldn’t be used against the majority of good and decent people who are associated with the university.</p>

<p>Some fans are just sick and crazy. </p>

<p>That said, no school can be responsible for what a fan does. It’s ridiculous for anyone to think badly of the school over this. </p>

<p>All the school and the responsible fans can really do is condemn the behavior and support prosecution of the guilty.</p>

<p>lmk2 and mom2,</p>

<p>It has nothing whatsoever to do with the University of Alabama (and I probably should have posted it in a different forum) and everything to do with depraved behavior and destructive group think. Hopefully the predator, and every last person on that video, is identified.</p>

<p>I am sure that the university will do anything and everything within its power to bring that miscreant to justice.</p>

<p>Stats 21- That’s exactly what I said and I completely agree with you. </p>

<p>I’m still very proud to say that my son will be attending UA this fall.</p>

<p>As you should be.</p>

<p>Unbelievable. Not only was the behavior of the Bama fans disgusting, but as others said, the LSU fan could have had alcohol poisoning. They are very lucky this didnt end up worse than it has.</p>

<p>I think we can rest assured that this joker will be apprehended. And what sucks for him is that now that the crime is classified as a sexual assault, he will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.</p>

<p>something tells me, a person who would expose himself and rub his private parts in another’s face maybe needs to be registered as a sex offender…under what circumstance could he think it was funny??</p>


<p>I agree.</p>

<p>Under what circumstance would he think it’s funny? As a drunk person himself. </p>

<p>Not only was the behavior of the[se very, very few] Bama fans disgusting…</p>

<p>Some perspective is needed. Very, very few morons behaving in a criminal and disgusting manner…sadly happens with fans of every team…college or pro. No team gets to determine who its fans are or what they’ll do.</p>

<p>Regardless if whether it was one or a thousand, the behavior is beyond disgusting. They are hopefully not representative of the typical fan of Bama or any school for that matter, and they appeared to be pretty intoxicated themselves, but regardless of what school they happen to represent. it was foul.</p>

<p>New Orleans area news stations are reporting that the victim has contacted a lawyer. </p>

<p>The NOPD is asking for anyone with information to contact them. The Times Picayune’s website nola dot com has a story posted this evening saying that NOPD has issued a press release today saying the act portrayed in the video was sexual battery. The release included still images from the video. One person in the video has already been identified as Patrick Statterstrom, son of a sports reporter at a Mobile TV station.</p>

<p>Statterstrom has spoken with new orleans police and is a witness, not the target of the investigation.</p>

<p>This is getting lots of media attention in New Orleans.</p>

<p>They are hopefully not representative of the typical fan of Bama</p>

<p>Of course not. Otherwise, we’d hear of such things on a regular basis. </p>

<p>this isn’t like other areas of the coutnry where MOBS of fans behave in a horrid manner after games.</p>

<p>Whether it is 5 kids or 50 kids doesn’t matter. A sexual assault is pretty bad!</p>