<p>Ok, if you're talking about a guy that's intelligent and all of that then I'll agree that it takes more. Good looking stupid guys and good looking stupid girls tend to mesh pretty well though. Stupid is as stupid does*.</p>
<p>...Also, birds of a feather flock together, to beat the dead horse of maxims. Although that just might be because there's more stupid than smart people around, so you'll see more dumb couples than smart couples.</p>
<p>I threw it in there just for parallelism with your post, to be honest. It wasn't even really an allusion, just a quote, but it's the internet and who cares.</p>
<p>same is true for guys. i dated this super cute guy for like 4 weeks first semester before I realized that we had absolutely nothing to talk about, at which point i ceased returning his phone calls.</p>
<p>although, i've gotta admit that this delayed realization was due to the fact that practically every time i saw him i was impaired in some way..</p>
<p>He showed up wearing only whipped cream but she got confused as to whether he likes her or not and is off crying because she thinks he doesn't like her.</p>
<p>"...had rough food sex on the dinner table?"</p>
<p>He started off with a carrot appetizer, then an eggplant entree, and capping it off with a banana dessert. Wait, what were we talking about again?</p>
<p>"He showed up wearing only whipped cream but she got confused as to whether he likes her or not and is off crying because she thinks he doesn't like her."</p>
<p>Yeah, jesus, men are so unclear about what they're looking for.</p>
He showed up wearing only whipped cream but she got confused as to whether he likes her or not and is off crying because she thinks he doesn't like her.