Business School Wait List

Did anyone get off the waitlist? I’m on it and I haven’t heard anything and it’s April 17th which is the day they said they’d make their offers by.

@SpiderMonkee can I ask how everything turned out?

My son had very similar stats and was also waitlisted to School of Business:
In State
Class Rank: 1 of 287
35 ACT
8 AP classes
4.256 GPA
2 sport Varsity athlete
Part time job
Great recommendations

His older brother was direct admitted in 2017, with lesser stats. So frustrating.

My son got an email indicating he is off the waitlist for the business school 2 days ago. He had almost identical stats to NJD5205’s son. Being put on the waitlist really left a bad taste in our mouths about WI and getting off the waitlist now is too little too late. As I said in a previous post I think waitlisting some of these high stat kids was yield protection. It was also a mistake. My kid is headed to UF with a generous scholarship. My oldest is currently at Madison, so I definitely feel conflicted. I hope they do not continue the business school waitlist process.

Hopefully this information can help someone in the future.

I learned from contacting the Wisconsin school of business that the WSB doesn’t handle the new student WSB direct admit admissions. Perhaps this is how things were in the past, but no longer. All WSB Direct Admit students are decided by admissions, not the business school

I contacted admissions and learned there id a specific process to follow, which is to fill out a “First choice consideration request”. The request basically allows you the chance to explain why you should be reconsidered for your first choice major.

My son filled out the request and found out this past Thursday that he will remain in the college of Letters and Science.

We attended “Your UW Day” on Monday and the Chancellor’s reception on Friday. There was an awesome presentation put on by the WSB advisors during Your UW Day.

The advisors indicated it’s UW-Madison’s goal to bring in 50% freshmen through Direct Admit and 50% through transfer and current student applicants. I have read on several post here that indicate if you aren’t directly admitted as a freshman, you won’t get in. While it’s a much more difficult process, the advisors make every effort possible to help the students succeed. It’s up to the student.

My son also had several opportunities to attend other schools, to include Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Alabama. He received some type of scholarship or financial aid from all of these, to include Wisconsin We are choosing to stick with UW Madison, because my son loves the school and is looking at this as an opportunity to explore other majors or get into WSB if that’s what he really wants.

I don’t have to tell the people on this forum that statistically, freshman will most likely change their major. I look at this as an opportunity for my son to work harder because he will have to prove himself to get into WSB, if that’s what he truly desires.

It also gives him the opportunity to reflect and decide if WSB is truly his passion. Don’t get me wrong, I would have love to have seen a direct admit, but I also believe things happen for a reason.

My son just received an email indicating that he was accepted direct admit off the wait list.

I still believe everything happens for a reason. Good luck to those still waiting to find out!

Hi, on my admissions decision letter it says that I was waitlisted. If I applied for a business major as my first choice major, does that mean I was waitlisted to the business school (for a direct admit spot) or just UW?

Thank you.

Your admission letter should indicate if you were admitted to the school and to which major. The letter and decision letter can be found by logging into your UW Madison Portal. If you Google UW-Madison Portal" you will see the link. Log into the portal and check “Student Center” and “Notifications”. If you are accepted into UW Madison you will have the option to accept or decline admission. If you applied for the Business School and your major is Letters and Science, you may be admitted to the college, but not as a Direct Admit to WSB. Hopefully, that helps.

My son found out he is off the list and not direct admit. Received direct admit and money at Ohio State so heading there. Not sure what more UW Madison could have wanted from him in order to let him in directly, but I know he will be a great asset to OSU’s program. Super disappointed as a parent that he was not given the chance at UW but he has a great attitude about the fact that he is going somewhere he is CLEARLY very wanted. Best of luck to all others!

Thank you for you response @SpiderMonkee . I was just wondering that since I applied to the business school and was waitlisted, does that mean I am on the waitlist for direct admit for business? Or would it say something specific on my admissions letter saying that I am waitlisted specifically for direct admit of business school.

Also, does anyone know when they would be notifying more people if they have come off the waitlist before May 1 or it’s just random times. And how many they would be releasing before May 1.

Sorry for all of the questions, just very nervous.
Thanks again.

I think it is very important what AP classes he has taken.

If you take a look at the pre-business requirements:

You can see that Psych, Econ, and Calc are some of those requirements. If somebody takes at least two of these classes as AP, my gut feeling is that they have a better chance to be a direct admit.

UW had over 44,000 apps for the Fall 2019. About 7,400 enrolled–both records. With Biz being a most desired major just do the math. Very very competitive. Esp. from OOS.