Business School Wait List

I’m curious, how many students received an email indicating they are on the Business School Direct Admit wait-list? I know the waitlist is new because the school increased the amount of direct admit students.

I’m trying to determine the reality of my son getting off the wait-list and directly admitted to the Business School. (@sch480, @rampmir52, @brandonc3350)

Any thought? Suggestions?

In State
Class Rank: 1 of 405
33 ACT
3 AP - 4 Honors

First Generation
4.0 (Unweighted - School doesn’t weigh AP classes)
Team Captian - 4-year Varsity athlete. NHS…Lots of EC’s. Over 200 volunteer hours


RU serious?

@barrons Serious about what??? I’m not sure I understand your question. I don’t believe there is much data regarding the number of people who are admitted from the direct admit wait list. The three names in my OP are the only ones that have posted regarding this topic.

@SpiderMonkee I think @barrons retort was a why did you son not get in as a direct admit with those stats. Two things you don’t know about are the teacher recommendation letters and the committees take on his essays. I’d say he’s got a very good chance to still make it.

@UW2016 Thanks for the clarification! That definitely makes more sense to me. I know the letters of recommendation were excellent (The teachers gave my son a copy), so maybe his essays were lacking. I also think a few more AP classes would have helped. I appreciate the encouragement! UW-Madison is his top choice.

My son has fantastic stats also (35 ACT, 1540 SAT, 4.0 uw, 4 year varsity 2 sports, math team all state, etc). Waitlisted for business school! Kind of stunned. We think he made the mistake of mentioning he would like to double major. But even more, I strongly suspect this is yield protection on Madison’s part. They think super strong candidates may have another first choice and they want to wait and see if they choose UW. I wonder if your son accepts UW if he will then be bumped off the waitlist…

My son DOES have another school we are waiting to hear from, so we will see if they show us the money. But UMN-TC gave him direct admit to business and entrance to honors. The waitlist leaves a bit of a bad taste in our mouth, even though it WAS my son’s first choice. His big brother is there already and Madison is a great school and great town. The waitlist twist this year is interesting and frustrating.

Thanks Mamareeb, I appreciate the info! That definitely gives us some hope.

We are from WI, so the WSB would be the preferred school. I’m getting the impression there aren’t a ton of kids on the WSB direct admit waiting list.

We have a solid back up school, but It’s hard to beat the Wisconsin’s Business School’s reputation!

@Mamareeb - going with the YP explanation. Bus allows the double major and you’d think they would want kids who desire additional intellectual pursuits at Madison. If it’s his first choice he should tell his AO that he’ll commit if accepted to Bus. Let them know about Carlson.

Pure yield protection.

Did you receive any merit money from Clemson or Georgia ?

What are your other options ?

Do you plan to wrestle in college ?

P.S. Did you apply to Michigan–Ross, Penn-Wharton, Indiana-Kelley ?

With your stats & profile plus in-state status, I would be tempted to tell Wisconsin no.

Thank you for contacting the Wisconsin School of Business BBA Program regarding your concerns and the information below.

I’m happy to take a closer look at the student’s request; they are welcome to contact me directly at 608-263-0093.


Kevin Zalanowski

Director, BBA Admissions & Recruitment
Wisconsin School of Business
3150 Grainger Hall
975 University Ave | Madison, WI 53706
P: +1 608-263-0093

@publisher Yes, scholarship from Clemson (The amount of the scholarship hasn’t been released to us yet). Nothing yet from GA .

Just shy of full tuition scholarships from Alabama and U of Kentucky. I should hear from U of Florida (Gainesville) on Friday. (I know Alabama and Kentucky business schools aren’t on par with Clemson, FL, GA and WI )

No wrestling in college. I’m a 3X D1, WI state qualifier, so schools started contacting me freshman year after qualifying the first time. I’ve been wrestling since kindergarten and the thought of cutting weight and going to practice every day while attending college hasn’t been too appealing. I’m not at the level to wrestle at the bigger D1 schools (Especially @ Michigan or Wisconsin, the talent on their rosters is amazing)

We toured Michigan and liked it, They have an incredible business school, but the school didn’t feel right.

The biggest reason I didn’t apply to Penn, Michigan or Indiana, is I assumed it would be too expensive due to the OOS tuition. The southern schools are very generous with academic scholarships.

University of South Carolina also offers lots of scholarships. Doesn’t Indiana offer a lot of scholarships ? Or is that just IU’s MBA program ?

Those look like great business schools! Unfortunately the admission application deadline has passed.

I may try sending an email to the Wisconsin School of Business admission counselors expressing my desire to attend if taken off the wait list. I have nothing to lose at this point!

Mid year grades were all A’s, but I’m not sure how close they look at those for each student, unless there’s something negative. I appreciate your advice!

@SpiderMonkee Did you see post #9? You can call Kevin to discuss your concerns (and ask questions and express interest and enthusiasm)!

Call, don’t email!

(Are you the parent or child, not clear from your posts).

@Madison85 Thanks, Sorry for the confusion, it has been both of us responding (This is his dad)

We both looked at post # 9 last night and appreciate the advice. The only problem we are running into, is my son doesn’t get home from practice until 6:00pm, so he was going to send an email. (We won’t do that after reading your post)

If you think he’s better calling, I’ll have him try that instead of an email. He can try before practice, or next week when he has a half day. Do you think he should call Kevin Zalanowski directly, the director of admissions, or one of the other two admission counselors first?

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help!

I think your son should call Kevin directly. He could also send Kevin an email in advance to explain he will be calling on such and such day in the afternoon, etc. to discuss his strong interest in the Wisconsin School of Business and his qualifications and how he would really appreciate it if Kevin could take another look at his application and provide some feedback on the wait list situation.

Best of luck!

@Madison85 Thank you! I will have my son do that. I appreciate all of your help!

Just to clarify: two years ago the Wisconsin School of Business changed how freshman are directly admitted. Before that time, students that were admitted to UW Madison and expressed an interest in business were invited to submit a separate application to the WBS to be evaluated for direct admission. The admissions staff in the Wisconsin BBA made the call on which students were offered direct admission. With the decision to admit more freshman it was decided to have the decision for direct admission moved to the UW Madison Office of Admission. The WSB provided guidelines to the Office of Admissions, but it is now the main Office of Admissions, and not the WSB admissions that is making the call on whether to admit, waitlist, or deny students. The WSB admissions staff handles the pre-business admissions on campus and those students applying for direct transfer from other UW system schools. They also provide the information sessions and tours for prospective students. Just wanted to put that out there for anyone wanting to inquire about their admissions to the WSB BBA program.

My understanding is that @barrons is known to the Wisconsin School of Business so I would trust his info which came from Kevin regarding contacting Kevin to ask questions.

barrons is an alumni, the op is SpiderMonkey