Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

It happens when it happens.

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they took until late march given 2018 dates, especially for transfers. Its definitely within possibility. Its not worth the stress yet, not this early.

I think everyone that got in will know by 3/13. If it takes longer than that, the news might not be so good.

Although difficult, we should all try to relax. The dates & times on this thread about when decisions are expected have been and will continue to be all conjecture. SLO has until 4/1 to notify applicants per their official deadline. I know it is hard waiting for an answer but it will be coming soon. Good luck to everyone…

Any OOS applicants hear back today?

A cal poly rep was at my school today in a college fair. I talked with her and she said they were hoping to start releasing results by/during next week. Hope this helps.

That is very helpful and is in line with what I heard. There was some confusion with my daughter’s portal log in so we called at the end of last week and the nice guy on the phone said to definitely make sure to check the portal in the next week or two. That was a week ago so the timing matches up with what bguzik says. This is my oldest going to college so of course there are some nerves along with trying to organize travel to admitted students days at her top choices. I do believe, however, they will all land right where they belong!

That Cal Poly rep didn’t say anything that we don’t already know.

@JandTsDad But we haven’t had official confirmation on a decision window besides April 1st, and finding this to be the most specific news released about decisions from the school so far, this is helpful information for prospective students.

We all know it will be before April 1st. Everyone’s just excited. Let everyone speculate…it’s part of the fun. Decisions will be out any minute and then we can all turn off college confidential and reconnect on the CP FB page…hopefully! Good Luck everyone!

The information provided was quite vague.

In the past, “in state” admissions were notified through their portal in the first few days of March. That is what would be expected this year too. Everyone should chill out.

@JandTsDad Ok. I was just saying what I heard. I wasn’t going to pressure the representative to give more info… They will be out soon so just don’t worry about it.

Thanks, @bguzik. My OOS daughter has had other schools release on weekends, so you just saved her 2 days of refreshing her portal. We’ll wait until next week.

Back in 2018(SoCal residence) I checked daughter’s portal around 9am Monday 3/2/18 and saw the acceptance notice. Not sure about this year but there’s a good chance the acceptances will start this Monday. Good luck everyone!

Good luck to all! Parents, once your student has been offered admission to Cal Poly, please join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents Facebook page. It’ll be one of your best resources over your student’s 4 years at Cal Poly. You can’t join until an admission offer has been extended, which will hopefully be very soon, but you can join before your student has made their final decision! For students, please join the Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 (official) Facebook page — make sure it’s the ‘official’ one —, even if you’re not normally a FB person. It’s the best way to meet up with other students to find potential roommates, if you’re interested to do so.

Speaking of the Cal Poly FB page, I just read a post that said a couple of colleges will now be requiring two years of on campus residency…Agriculture and Architecture…the rest of the colleges will be implementing this over the next 2-3 years, but these two will require it of new FTF starting fall 2020. Wow. Good to know.

This has been in the making for a while. We were told about the eventuality of it when we toured the dorms with my oldest son back in 2017. This might start being a trend with some of the campuses that can accommodate it. SDSU just went to a two year live-on requirement last Fall, or possibly the year before. I doubt Fresno or Chico would ever make this move, since they don’t need to, but schools located in expensive and tight housing markets might actually use it as a selling point.

My son lived on the CP SLO campus his first two years, and truth be told, his mother and I preferred it. San Luis Obispo is a VERY competitive housing market for students and we appreciated the certainty of housing that the campus provided. It’s not the cheapest option, but there are also a lot of expensive (and rundown) properties that students are living in off-campus. That extra year for him to find friends/roommates to live with was also fortunate. I’m not sure he was capable of making good connections like that mid-way through Freshman year.

Our second year student lives with 5 roommates in what we refer to as the “million dollar shack” near campus, but even though it’s not very nice, the responsibility that came with living off campus, shopping, cooking, paying utilities/rent each month and budgeting, has been a tremendous growth opportunity for him. It’s also more affordable than on campus housing, which we all like. I guess I have mixed feelings about the two year commitment - our D applied to the CAES (and is on pins and needles waiting like everyone else), so this would definitely be a consideration if she gets accepted. We shall see - might be a moot point!

Do they have enough housing to make it a 2 year requirement? Im assuming 2nd year would be in the apartment?

My son’s second year was in the apartments, which is pretty standard.