Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Has anyone been accepted in-state for Architecture?

Out of curiosity which department?

My kid is still waiting for Aerospace Engineering.

She topped out on 4.2 CS-SLO GPA, SAT of 1460, all honors and AP classes (12 semesters of math, 5 on AP Calculus BC done in 11th grade, among other things), 21+ per week extracurricular hours in a leadership position. OOS.


Admitted already to Cal State San Diego, Texas A&M, University of Maryland College Park, University of Colorado Boulder, a couple of UCs that already announced admissions, and some other places. But still no word from Cal State SLO…

Please refrain from pedantic posts on spelling errors. It derails the thread. Along the same lines, when a user asks "Has anyone been accepted to XYZ major, s/he means anyone on this thread or anyone you know. So responses of “yes” with no further info add no value here.

The woman who works in my daughter’s high school career center said she received a similar email from a Cal Poly representative who requested to be on campus today to meet with admitted students. She said Cal Poly admitted 30 students from my daughter’s high school. To me, that does sound as if they are done with sending out admissions.

I’ve been waiting for IS Architecture as well :’( I have only heard of one person.

I assume you’re asking how much time passed between receiving the acceptance and getting the financial aid in the portal (my daughter has not accepted any admissions offers, Cal Poly SLO or otherwise). She received the offer in that initial release of decisions, which I think was last Tuesday, 3/3. She noticed the FA in the portal this weekend when I asked to check, but I have no idea how long it had been sitting there. We did not receive any notification that it was there, and I doubt she would have ever checked her portal unless I asked.

We are still waiting to hear from six schools, and unless there’s a dramatic and unexpected shift in her thinking between now and May 1, she’ll be turning down her offer to Cal Poly SLO. She has other options that she prefers. So, even though the Cal Poly cost is (relatively) affordable, in the end, I don’t think it’s going to matter for me.

Daughter applied for Bioengineering, accepted to 2nd choice - Biochemistry

UW GPA: 3.6
SAT: 1490
ACT: 34

AP’s? - Umm, 4 maybe? Taking two college credits (Statistics & Humanities) this semester.

Accepted to mechanical engineering
Male, in state
W Gpa:4.2
Uw gpa: 3.8
SAT: 1530. ( math: 800, eng 730 )
Subject SAT Math2: 800, chem:720

He has his heart set on Purdue though. I prefer beach than cold… lol

I’ve seen a lot of people comment either that they’ve been accepted(congrats) or are still waiting…
How long after they have sent out all the acceptances will the rejections and waitlist notifications be sent? Does anyone know? Have all acceptances been sent?

According to the Reddit thread, three in-state architecture admits with MCAs of 4761, 4509 and 4470.

So no wave today?

No wave today and I am doubtful that another large wave will be coming out. Likely sparse acceptances here and there throughout the rest of the month. Goodluck!

Daughter received an email about an hour ago notifying her of the National Green and Gold Scholarship.

Ah, my fellow Northern Virginian is back. So sorry to hear that your daughter hasn’t received a decision yet. The Cal Poly SLO notification process is certainly the most absurd process I’ve experienced. If you don’t get positive word from Cal Poly, it’s their loss. I know your kid already has some nice options, including the one on the other side of the Potomac. Best of luck.

Hard to go wrong with mechanical engineering at Purdue.

Nobody knows anything. Just a lot of speculation and guesses, both educated and uneducated. This piecemeal notification process is absurd and unnecessary.

Ironically, my son has been accepted to first year engineering at Purdue (a bargain, since we’re in-state and tuition has been frozen for 5 years now), but he’s still waiting on Mechanical Engineering at Cal Poly. Go figure.

Wow, just looked up in-state cost of attendance at Purdue. That’s a fantastic deal! Even OOS isn’t too bad. Maybe I should have had my daughter apply there… Oh well.

@BrebeufDad kids like to go as far as they could I guess. My son had never experienced cold winter ( we are from bay area). He does not know what he is getting into ( my husband went to UIUC so we know) …oh well…