Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

That makes sense. I guess my point was that it’s based on when people decline admission.

does anyone know how hard it is to switch from a stats major to cs. I am currently on the waitlist for stats but I’m just wondering if I do get accepted

@flurryhear :

One requirement to change majors at SLO is that you need to be eligible for the new major at time of admission which can be a huge hurdle especially if you are not admitted currently or not admitted into the College of Engineering.

My son got into biomedical engineering off the waitlist today.
4.5 gpa
34 ACT

What was your son’s MCA?

It is almost impossible to change majors.

The fact that you are on the waitlist makes your position even more tenuous.

This is not entirely accurate. My daughter changed majors with no problem and I recently had an admissions officer tell me (in writing) that roughly 1/3 of students change their major. It is certainly easier to do if you are changing majors within the same college (eg, landscape arch to construction management), but not impossible to change to a different college (eg, engineering to business). I do agree though that trying to change from a less competitive or impacted major to a more competitive major would be challenging if not impossible (eg, psychology to computer science).

The person asking about changing majors wanted to go from Statistics to Computer Science. That is virtually impossible.

@JandTsDad Sir, they released all decisions at once with the exception of early admits. Not comparable at all, believe me when I say if it were similar I would be making statements about their process as well.

I know you can’t change your major at cal poly until after you complete your first quarter if your e on the waitlist but does anyone know how many students get into the cs program if they petition?

@flurryhear: You would need to contact the CS department for that information. I know that it is not impossible, but extremely difficult with no guarantee. For students in your position, especially since you are on the waitlist list for a less competitive major, ultimately you need to decide will I be happy at SLO as stats major or is being in a CS program more important?

I want to reiterate the statement that SLO lists on their change of major criteria, that the student may need to be eligible at the time of admission for the new major.

Stats has around a 50% expected acceptance rate based on 33% yield while CS has around a 6.5% acceptance rate. Odds are not in your favor.

I guess what I was trying to say is that I like that Cal Poly started admitting students many weeks ago. UCLA and Berkeley made everyone wait and stress out much longer.

@JandTsDad again, very different boats. Many school’s have done this waiting until much later. Including school’s like Tulane which have still not released decisions and will not until March 31st. The difference being, watching other students receiving decisions leading to confusion on when they will receive their own decisions and confusion as to what time or date they receive their decisions may predict what the outcome may be. Sending them all out at once, no matter the date, is much less stressful.

The kids that my son and I know that applied to Cal Poly SLO weren’t phased a bit by how the admissions were released. They were only interested in who would be playing Fortnite every afternoon.

How many kids do you know that applied to Cal Poly SLO and what did they say about their admissions?

Hi! I was wondering if there are still people out there that have no heard from Cal Poly admissions yet? I feel like everyone I know who has applied has already received a decision. On my portal- I noticed a change recently it says, “submit transcripts” but still says “no decision has been made at this time.” Are all decisions going to be made by April 1st or is there a delay? I applied as a business major.

@JandTsDad I know a decent amount considering I am in state and many students want to attend near home. Many students feel similar, however there is no way to prove that, but you may take a look at earlier comments on this thread, other CP SLO threads, and even reddit threads to find students also distraught by this system.

If you think about it, wouldn’t the only people posting about the way admissions are done at Cal Poly SLO, be the ones that don’t like it?

Also, of the students that you personally know, have any said that the admissions process was stressful for them?

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@Gumbymom my daughter was waitlisted for mechanical engineering. I keep reading that a letter of continued interest is common for most schools. Do you have any insight on if Cal Poly accepts this? I know the Cal States are a bit different from the other schools out there. We are trying to figure out a way to get ahead of this and how.

Cal Poly would not consider a letter of continued interest.

@JandTsDad. Yes, I am not the only one. I haven’t exactly seen anyone reply that they were satisfied and it would be indeed weird if they did. So you are correct there, but I cannot think of any university where any student has discussed how much they appreciated a system. A solid system should be the norm. But, with so many students feeling frustrated and complaining about the system, it should be seen that there is an issue with their process. There will always be people happy with the system and those unhappy with a system. The goal should be to have as many people satisfied with the system. At this point with a large fraction of dissatisfied applicants, those accepted and rejected alike, Cal Poly SLO should be working on a solution and a better admissions process.