Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@JandTsDad the deadline to enroll is usually different for students accepted off the waitlist at many universities. The deadline may have already passed since this student was taken off the waitlist in early April. Additionally, the person still has access to an email account and the admissions email address is readily available for anyone to contact at any time. The response will definitely come late as the original email is late, of course, but this student can still email them on 9 PM on a Friday night :slight_smile:

My daughter accepted yesterday as well. And she got the same thing you did. She was also waitlisted and got off the waitlist in early April such as yourself.

Cody at Cal Poly admissions seems to be the only one replying to the admissions inquiry. Send an email to Cody. You should hear back very soon. You got it! Congrats! I am sure this is just a little glitch.

Anyone hear back from Cal Poly yet for the waitlist?

Nope, not yet. CS Major.

Me neither for comms

What does “comms” mean?

communications major most likely

yeah communications

Any speculation when they send waitlist acceptances? I feel like UCSB and ucla have done a lot already from what I’ve heard.

I would guess that waitlist acceptances will be sent out in the next five weeks.

Has anyone from Agricultural Communications heard that has been on the wait list?

Do you want to know about people who have been accepted or denied?

Just curious if anyone has been accepted off the waitlist from Agricultural Communications major. My son has been waitlisted and still waiting.

how about mathematics? anyone off waitlist?

As well as architecture? Has anyone heard?

I’ll add on one more. Has anyone heard anything for comms?

I feel like most acceptances come out on the portal at 5?

Has anyone been accepted off the waitlist for Software Engineering?

How about Mechanical Engineering?