Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Congratulations! Was she offered a spot on Thursday or this morning?

My D21 got an email yesterday telling her she is in off the WL yesterday for Environmental Management & Protection (in-state, not local). She is absolutely delighted! Good luck everyone!


Did you just happen to check your portal at 6pm… or is that the actual time it updated? Congrats!!

Thank you so much! I’ll make one of those posts.

I got an email!

I got an email at 6 pm. Didn’t check the portal. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Hi. She received the email on Thursday- so… two days ago. Thank you for the kind comment! :raised_hands:

My son decided on Davis over Cal Poly. If you get a chance to visit both campuses you will quickly figure out which school is the best “fit” for you . If I have learned anything through this process it is that there truly is a “best fit” school for each and every student. Good luck and have a great freshman year wherever you end up.


Does anyone know where the substance free rlc usually has lived in on campus?

We took a tour in 2019 with two students from Yakitutu, who specified substance-free as their priority RLC.

But as they say, past results are not always reliable indicator of future placement.

Does anyone know when honors decisions are going to be released? I know it’s before the end of April but I’m hoping it’ll be soon. Yakityutyu is looking real nice.

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We’re listening to the Housing portion of SLO Open House right now. Yakitutu’s seven (7) buildings house 1,500 freshman students. And there are about 5,000 freshman who enroll.

Honestly, Cero Vista apartments and both North and South Mountain dorms look pretty good too from what I can tell.

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That’s awesome it sounds like there’s definitely still a chance to get into Yak without being in the honors program. Thanks!

It’s a small thing, but laundry (washers and dryers) is FREE. That’s not the case at Michigan.


Listening to Dining now, Cal Poly will adding a Habit Grill and Panda Express to campus next year. They do have a Jamba Juice, which I would enjoy on occasion.

Parents eat for free at the new Vista Grande dining hall. I could live in SLO and eat for free every day. :man_facepalming:


Thank you for the update.

Between Habit and Jamba Juice I think my S should have gone for the biggest meal plan. I’ll be adding money for sure.

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I think she said Habit is not until 2022 school year.


I appreciate that they’re attacking a known deficiency (food) on campus. They’ve got a lot of options now, including FroYo, Einstein Bagels and Noodles, which my D will enjoy.

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Thanks. The grilled cheese and sweet potato fries there will be a hit second year, then.

He’s at work so we were planning to watch the recording. I was so impressed with the sessions that we watched yesterday. I think they are doing a great job.

@sushiritto Thank you for the free laundry update, as well. Less barriers to clean clothes, towels and bedding seems like a brilliant idea for those living in close quarters.


It just blows me away that Michigan with a $12.5 Billion endowment, right around the 8th largest endowment in the US, and also spends the 2nd most in R&D to JHU, won’t float a few extra bucks for free laundry.

And Cal Poly with a $200+ Million endowment has free laundry. :man_facepalming:

One other note, at the Cero Vista apartments, where FY are able to live, has free (includes it in the price of housing) kitchen and bathroom cleaning everyday.

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