Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

My son accepted to CS - in state - non local - CalPoly GPA: 4.2


What!?!?! When is the transfers list coming out!!?!? Gahahhh!!! Maybe end of feb

Is it still rolling out tomorrow?

The kids who got in-did you indicate you needed fin aid or not? Did you submit test?

Did everyone who got decisions only get accepted? No waitlists or rejections?

For my son - we submitted FAFSA to all applied colleges even though we do not qualify for financial aid at most colleges.
There was no need to submit test scores this year.

I am starting to worry nowā€¦looks like most are all accepted so next wave might be all rejections or waitlistsā€¦still waiting here for D.

Pls read this: Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision - #245 by Gumbymom

They did not consider or look at test scores this year. They do not discriminate based on need for financial aid.

Just an FYI, maximum SLO or CSU GPA is 4.4.

My daughter got accepted today via portal, 4.5 gpa and many ECā€™s. Congrats to those who also received acceptance. And hold on tight, to all of you still waiting.


@machodude: Waitlists and Rejections come later. They start with the admits first.

did u have work experience???

Son admitted philosophy! So happy!
In state.


Thatā€™s awesome to hear, congrats dude! From yesterday that I got in till now, the campus is really growing onto me. Like I first applied to CPSLO as a joke honestly, knowing 100% I would not get in with a 3.29 SLO GPA and thinking the University of San Francisco is the best school Iā€™m going to be attending (which donā€™t get me wrong is still a awesome school), but when I got in, I instantly did a virtual tour, looked up research opportunties, basically became privy of all the resources available at SLO, and I truly love every single aspect of SLO. Itā€™s to the point where if I donā€™t get into any other ā€œgoodā€ school, then Iā€™m going to be extremly content falling back onto SLO; a community where they see that Iā€™m poised to magnify my potential. The only caveat to SLO that I donā€™t really like is that it doesnā€™t seem very easy to switch majors between different schools. Iā€™ve found this passion for developing new medicine, and Iā€™m think Biomedical Engineering might fit me better than Biological Sciences, but if I canā€™t switch majors then it wouldnā€™t be a huge dealbreaker as Biology is already at the pinnacle of my major choice. Either way, itā€™s becoming increasingly promising that Iā€™m going to be a soon to commit Class of 2025. Go Mustangs!

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daughter admitted to business. so cal resident.


accepted in-state for public health; csu gpa 4.32


Son admitted to Business Administration, too.
In State - NorCal
He received an email a little after 7pm tonight!


Did they just update or it was updated several hours ago?

Glad to hear it man. Iā€™m looking to go into medicine too. Even through the virtual tour I thought the campus was gorgeous. Im just waiting to hear back from UCSD, UCSB, and USC. Tbh being admitted smashed any expectation of mine because I was sure I was UCR or SDSU bound. Not that Iā€™d complain both are super cool. Anyways, I look forward to seeing you on campus :slight_smile: