Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Still havent seen anyone who got into civil engineering. I haven’t gotten anything yet, Are they still rolling tomorrow?

My student was admitted today as well. Liberal Studies, he’s an OOS student. I have no idea what his Cal Poly GPA is, but he has a 3.489 uw GPA, all dual enrollment classes for the past year.


I’m wondering the same thing only for psychology.

That’s true. I am just stating that these acceptances could be due to; high gpa, out of state, student-athletes, freshman, and other special factors.

In state, admitted today via email notification and portal update for Civil Engineering.

#1 of +/- 400, lots of ECs, APs, Honors, college credits, varsity sports. 4.0 UW, 4.45 W (not sure about SLO GPA but likely capped).

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Guys, let’s all relax. Take a breather. Binge that Netflix show you want to watch tonight or read that book you’ve been wanting to read. We will get the decisions when we get them :wink:


Dang son congrats. You did all the hard work! College BA incoming!

Nah, i’m doing homework cause ill only be provisionally accepted LUL!


My in state son applied for Aerospace and has not heard anything yet.

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We have not received the result either. Our last name start with W, so we hope that’s the reason. Can you check if your daughter’s friends accepted have their last name start earlier in alphabetical order?

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You’re right though I don’t have any assignments do at midnight so! LOL

Admitted today for Materials Engineering!
My CSU GPA is 4.4 and I’m in state(Norcal).
Congrats to everyone who has gotten in so far and good luck to those who are still waiting to hear!


■■■ u too! Damn u lucky son! 4.4 congrats!

I’m from south OC (San Clemente) and just got in for civil engineering


In case this helps, I was admitted today(last name starting with M), but two of my friends(both high achieving students) haven’t heard yet and their last names start with H and F.

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Oh. So not due to the last name then… Maybe where we live? San Diego here. Or simply random I hope.

From the stats published and discussion, it seems rolling admissions may be based on GPAs and course rigor, i.e. kids with high GPA and course rigor get acceptances first and then it goes from there. Almost all stats are 4.0+ wit very few exceptions. Hang tight!

my last name starts with A but bestie who also got in has last name with S

as for region we’re both central valley/east bay depending on the definition of the two (San Joaquin/Contra Costa)

S21 admitted Mechanical engineering, got an email last night
4.0 unweighted/ 4.5 or whatever the cap was weighted. He’s got EC’s but I do remember him saying no to all the EC/leadership question in the app.
good luck everyone!!

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4.31 capped in state and haven’t heard anything. Hopefully they roll out more acceptances today.