Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Still no update in my portal.

It is hard to remain positive and hopeful for this long, but both OOS and In-State reports are significantly lower than the last few years.

Hopefully we will get a new batch early next week, along the normal first week of March timeframe.



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I wonder if another batch will be released today.

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They posted this on Instagram, so maybe…


Haha I was just coming here to post the same! I would imagine that they would have admitted a large chunk by then if they’re putting in the effort to host a new student event.


That ig story would dissapear by tomorrow so maybe the rest of decisions are coming out today.


She got waitlisted from CPP around 2 weeks ago.
She checked her SLO portal yesterday morning and got the good news.
She is a Mechanical Engineering major.


I love your username :joy:


For those who got accepted already, have you guys been able to accept/decline your financial aid or have you guys only been able to view it??

  1. Most students do not post on CC or Reddit so I would say the wave earlier this week was the larger wave.

  2. I think a smaller wave will happen within the next week hopefully after SLO evaluates how many applicants are ready to enroll immediately.

I do not work in admissions and do not have any inside information but they did waitlist many applicants the last few years (around 5000) and started pulling them off the waitlist as students declined their acceptances once the UC decisions were made.

I hope that SLO will surprise me and have a bigger wave of acceptances.


Thank you! I like yours too! We’re both “h” moms lol

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OK, ya’all, when you all post about, “do you think…” “well, I heard…” and “last year they…” and I go to my bookmarks and see 53 new posts, I think “More decisions!!!” And then no. So, we need to all be quiet until we get some actual news.

Kidding!!! As I recognize the humor in my posting this and adding to the “noise”!

This is torture, but as another parent said, I’m trying not to make my son feel what I’m feeling. He’s chill.

Good luck everyone! Well, except those in direct competition with my son…kidding again! Or am I? :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe it’s better for us to use this as our worry outlet than letting our kids hear it. (Sorry to the students on this group. Maybe we shouldn’t!)


Did you guys receive the financial aid award email today?


I was just wondering if anyone knew if you qualified for any merit aid, does it come with your finaid package or is it separate? Just received my finaid package today and of course I know there is a chance I dont qualify for the merit scholarships, but I just wanted to know…does it come with the finaid or is it seperate?

Yes i just did

Do you think SLO is giving out acceptances differently compared to previous years? I thought that last year acceptances all came out within a few days, but this year it looks like they are doing something else.

I really cannot say. They seem to change it up every year for the past 3-4 years.

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The patience of a saint…