Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

I have been there many times before but this year, I do not have any “skin in the game” so much easier to be patient.


yes i did!

Did you guys receive a decent amount or a lot of money from their scholarships?

Does anyone know how Honors works? Do you have to be invited to apply?

Some students are invited but anyone can apply.

I only got federal loan options

Anyone have a clue?

Well, there’s not much merit aid to be had, so for planning/decision purposes it would be easy enough to plan on zero.


There’s very limited merit aid. My older daughter received a small departmental scholarship a couple of years ago, and it did come later. It was designated for a CA resident.

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Cal states offer very limited merit aid and the majority of FA will be Federal aid and Cal grants if eligible which are need based. Need is defined by each school and not by your EFC. Do not expect much beyond that. For most students that receive FA, it just covers tuition costs and rarely some housing or book costs.

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I know the wait list responses were after the May 1st deadline. I think they were late May/early June.

Last year, some waitlisted students starting being accepted at the end of March. As I stated in an earlier post, they will start accepting waitlisted students as spots open up but they always state it is usually after May 1 since that is the final SIR date.


Thank you for your words of wisdom.

“I have said this many times that where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.” Gumbymom

What you said is so true. That is why you are a forum champion and a person I trust for answers.

Thank you. The old adage “with age comes wisdom” which is completely true in my case. I have been through the college admission process many times with my son’s, family members and friends and in the end it is really important to make the best of your situation so you accomplish your goals.

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Older son was admitted March 3, 2019. In state, high stats, Business Admin. Same date which is mentioned in 2020 posts. Younger son awaiting. High stats, business admin as well. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Older student admitted March 2, 2018. In-state Business Admin. Younger student waiting, Aerospace Engineering. Like other parents, I’m trying not to let my anxiety over this waiting affect my student who is not anxious at all. Good luck to everyone that hasn’t heard yet! :racehorse: :crossed_fingers:t3:


My son was accepted last year for ME. My daughter got accepted this year for Aero. I really prepped her prior to her acceptance that this was a totally different year and she might not get accepted, especially in Aero. That’s a tough one. She was prepped for the worst so was really thankful to get in. She’s really relaxed about the college acceptances because she knows she’ll end up somewhere that fits her. One nice thing about COVID is that not many students are in person at her high school this year so there isn’t as much hype and comparison about who got in to what. That can cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety. The “best” school might not be the best fit.


When did she get her acceptance? I haven’t seen many aero majors here.

Feb 23 a bit after 3:00pm. She’s in-state. I have not seen many at all either. It seems to me that less people are posting stats this year.

I was actually shocked. Aero is a small department. I’m guessing that they put more weight on fulfilling SLOs A-G requirements and going beyond (example 5 years of English!) and also class rigor (APs and honors). I’m also thinking they looked at senior year rigor more closely. But who actually knows. It’s a totally different year.

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The college admission processes needs to be reimagined. It starts with kids in their junior year when they have to start prepping for the SAT’s. A worthless metric as far as I am concerned (if one can pay someone to train a student to do will on the test, then isn’t the test unrelated to academic performance and ability?). What’s wrong with students doing real things as juniors? Then there is the problem of a 17 year having to try and decide what they want to do with their lives, and then apply to a school that they think is good for them. I personally think the best idea is going to a community college and then transferring. One can get into a a better school that way and at least in CA, there is no SAT for transfers.

Anyway, the CSU app info is uploaded to CSU’s data analytics department. There is a lot of interesting info in this database including high school info (where did each CSU applicants go to high school). Check it out : Applications & Admissions Dashboard | CSU

I personally think that the application data is stored at CSU then downloaded to each schools database. There they can start doing queries and look, for example, at how many aero apps there are, what is their average gpa is, etc. The database must load student portals with the decisions, but that is just my guess as it make the most sense.

May happiness come to all this year. We all need some joy after this year of fear.