Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Has anyone heard if decisions have been made for Sociology?

Crickets :frowning:


Nothing here on CC for Sociology, according to a search of this thread.

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anyone receive an acceptance for bio?

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my close friend got in for bio on the og date (like last tuesday)

Searching the thread, one for biology and two for biological sciences. Not sure of the difference.

I know someone who got in for Bio (sheā€™s not on CC)

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I got in for Biological Sciences! (thatā€™s the offical name for the Biology major)

wait so if the major came out already and u havent gotten urs does that mean ur either waitlisted or rej?

No. We do not have reason to believe that all acceptances - not even all acceptances for particular majors - have been released.

Do you gouts know if once Iā€™m invited to the calpoly scholars program Iā€™m supposed to do anything? Because I havenā€™t recieved the email but it is on my portal.

Never mind I recieved the email

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has anyone seen an acceptance for political science?

I was told a little higher in the thread that there were a few in the stats thread. Iā€™m in-state, non-local, and havenā€™t heard anything back for political science.

If you search this thread and the stats thread, then there have been 4 (four) separate acceptances to the political science major. One on this thread and three on the stats thread.

Has anyone seen an acceptance/decision for Anthropology/Geography?


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@gumbymom, I ventured onto the parent FB page recommended. Very informative just lurking and reading. There were a number of posts related to students not being able to get classes (i.e. parents sayihng that their kids were wait listed for every class and had already taken all of their GEā€™s, kids who only got two classes and have no viable alternates and now may need to drop down to PT students unwillingly, a parent who said her student was a 6th year because of difficulty in getting required classes, etc.) The very helpful moderator provided a post basically saying ā€˜itā€™s like this every quarter, hereā€™s the process for your student to maximize class chancesā€™ which talked about multiple rounds of waitlists, crashing courses, etc. and that viable class schedules typically materialize though it may not all be ironed out until after a quarter starts. I have a soph at another college and of course there is always some manuevering in getting a classā€¦sheā€™s had to sign up for a section of a class at a nondesirable timeslot, and has been waitlisted for one class every semester but has always gotten in by the end of the first day of classā€¦but nothing like what these parents have described as being a difficult process. And she says sheā€™ll have no problem, far fewer wait lists, etc. for upper class major classes. So, could you please share any feedback as to how big of an issue it is to get necessary classes, really? Are these anecdotes of parents just the exceptions, or is there a serious constraint issue that affects alot of students ability to get necessary classes ? I was just looking at college data on the % of students at SLO who graduate in 4 years and it was only 50.8%, with almost 80% graduating in 5 years, but I am not sure if that low 4 year rate is due to including programs that may be designed to take 5 years, or if it is just very difficult to get classes to graduate in 4 years. Thank you for your insight.

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My wife and I are Cal Poly alumni and I have family who have graduated in the last few years. Suffice to say it is one of our sonā€™s top choices if he is fortunate enough get admitted. The downside of Cal Poly is that it can be difficult to get classes. This depends a lot on major. In our planning we assume that Cal Poly may require more than 4 years to graduate based on our collective experience. On the flip side, I know many friends/kids who have graduated in 4 years and had no trouble getting the classes they needed. You can look at published graduation rates. They are not bad in general but it can be difficult.


I have to ask if this is a CS/Engineering issue only or does the problem extend to the other colleges within SLO, such as CLA, CAFES, OCOB, etc.?

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