Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

There is only one problem for your son. What major is he?

Cal Poly SLO has a high amount of Engineering majors which are high unit degrees so for that reason alone, the graduation rate may be low since it could take these students longer than 4 years to complete their degree. Also SLO like many Cal states are impacted and getting the lower division pre-req courses which can be large, will require students to be flexible. Based on my experience, most students can get their classes if they are willing to take them early in the morning or later in the evening or if they are not too particular with the professors for these courses but there are always exceptions. Sequenced classes can be an issue, since you need to take the pre-req classes in a specific order. Some classes are also offered only once a year so it is very important to follow the flowcharts for each major so the student can maximize their ability to complete their degree in a timely manner. My niece whom attended SLO, said you definitely need to be flexible and consider taking some popular courses over the summer to get them out of the way.


He applied to Cal Poly for Biochemistry

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I have been unable to find published graduation rates for 4 yr, 5 yr, 6 yr for various schools or majors on the schoolā€™s website. If you know of where the grad rate per major or school can be obtained, Iā€™d appreciate any info. On a positive note, per CalPolyā€™s internal reporting, the 4 year grad rate overall appears to have improved, though the 4 year grad rates are still low compared to say another impacted state school like UCLA (which is 80%). Not questioning that itā€™s a terrific school, certainly for the tuition. I am sure plenty of students are happy to be there for 5 years of undergrad. Iā€™m sure others will just take what they can even if the classes are not ones they want to get through in 4 years, but I donā€™t want my student to take a whole bunch of ā€˜this was all that was available if I want to graduate in 4 year or else I wouldnā€™t have take themā€™ classes and Iā€™m not sure if that is the mode one needs to be in to get done in 4 years. Plus sheā€™s planning on grad school which is why the 4 year grad rate is a factor for her.

thank you!

Perhaps heā€™ll get in; but what makes you think cal poly slo is worth it? I think UCā€™s are great for biochem.

There is also the fact that only people who are having issues are complaining in the parent group.

Perhaps heā€™ll get in; but what makes you think Cal Poly SLO is worth it? I think UCā€™s are great for biochem.

@jntwinmama: So true.

Maybe since professors had a year of virtual teaching, they will continue with it, in addition to in person, so that they can get more students into a class. Wouldnā€™t that solve at least part of the problem for intro level class shortages?

Its his choice. He applied to five UCs as well and weā€™d be thrilled if he got admitted and enrolled in any of them. I may not be understanding your question. My original post was in response to the question about difficulty in getting classes.

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I am not sure if I am having issues or not! :smile:

The other day SJSU said this to me: ā€œFreshmen applicants who require further review / evaluation to verify their admissibility to the majors chosen on Cal State Apply are still pendingā€ . I can see that this year is a challenge for the admissions people because one of the missing test scores. Consequently, they have to deep dive into a persons record and try to quantify their background. It must be tough for them.

Regardless, it feels like a very odd year. Of course, I only know what my son will tell me!

Understood, this is why i asked the question of gumbymom when I saw the 4 year grad rate was only 50%.

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Oh my mistake. Maybe thatā€™ll factor into his decision.

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Our daughter is 3rd-year Business major and HS son is waiting on an acceptance decision. Our 3rd year had a couple APs going in and could graduate 2 quarters early. However, she decided to do a double concentration in Accounting and Finance and will graduate in 4 years. She has had a couple quarters where she was on a waitlist for a class and got in. They have you use an online 4-year planning flowchart starting your first quarter. Students get stuck to the flow chart or picky on the days and times of classes. She has had classes at 7am, 6-8pm, and on Fridays which everyone wants off. If you are not particular about when your classes are and willing to spend the time to find back ups and alternate classes going off flowchart (moving classes around on the chart) you are able to get the classes you need. Also, taking degree progress classes will push you up in the registration times. So itā€™s easy to say I canā€™t get the classes I want so Iā€™ll just take more electives but itā€™s important to get those major classes in each quarter to push your degree progress and get better and better registration dates. Similar advice to the Parent Page but our daughter did experience all of it and is graduating on time with a double concentration. She loves it and we are hoping to have 2 there next year.


Any idea when more decisions will be released?

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DS was accepted for Anthropolgy/Geography.

Oh okay, thank you, congrats! Are you guys in-state? I was hoping they just hadnā€™t released decisions for the major yet. :sob:

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Yes, we are in-state :grinning: