Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Email or portal? Congrats !

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No, he got the email on Feb 23.

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I predict waitlists will be announced around 6 pm tonight !

why do you think that?


Last year’s thread

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got it, wasn’t sure if all the acceptances went out last week.

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Does this mean all acceptances are out already?

Maybe for freshman

Wow, already?

I will add my 2 cents as my daughter is a freshman this year. I will say that class registration has been problematic in getting all her classes from the start. That being said, she has been able to get all the classes she has needed so far. This spring has been a bit tougher than the previous 2 quarters. Those who said to stay flexible and not be overly picky are right. Early morning, evening (most of her engineering classes have been at night - the in person ones). Also, what you are seeing in the FB group is that this is just round 1, there is a round 2 and open enrollment. Things shift around every day as my daughter reports her positions on wait lists. It is and will be stressful, but it has worked out in the end. I am hoping things smooth out after COVID settles down. As a contrast, I have another daughter at another school in Arizona and she has had similar issues, so CP is not unique. And, as someone pointed out, you are only seeing those with problem schedules and parents freaking out about it. My daughter has many friends who have gotten their classes through the block scheduling process. I hope this helps ease peoples minds. She is an Mechanical Engineering major btw.


I called SLO admissions 30 minutes ago. The gentleman I spoke with said “only a small amount of acceptances have been sent”. I asked him when the next wave of acceptances would be sent. His answer was end of this week or early next week.


Thank you for sharing! That’s great to know. I’ll give my son’s portal a break! :joy:


@Hopefulmom77 LOL. I can relate. I ignored it for a bit when another parent said they get an email a few hours after the portal update. I was going to wait for the email. But today I went to an endodentist with S24 who has a weird cavity situation that developed naturally under the tooth and the endoD was chatting up his background (it was a long procedure). He said he went to UCLA and USC (said USC because he needed to stay in CA and he had choice). So far I was thinking, “Ok. Both on S21’s list.” And then he asked me how many kids I had and I said two and one a senior and he said his daughter just got into Cal Poly last week. Doht. I thought I could escape it. :joy:


Thank you, I will also give the portal a break! Now to stalk UCSC too :slight_smile:


Haha! It’ll all be over before we know it and we’ll find something else to obsess over!


application server is down at this time. Maybe updating the portal with new info?


My thoughts too
praying for us!


My daughter is a 3rd year engineering student and I would have to say that her experience is the same as you describe. My daughter takes late, early and Friday classes so she gets the classes she needs each quarter- she doesn’t even think about the times she just takes whatever is available. She has always been able to get her major classes structured in such a way so she makes progress towards a 4 year graduation date. Sometimes in the summer, or even this very quarter, she picks up GE classes at Foothill College remotely- a popular option at CalPoly.


Is it still down?
