Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Do you guys know what living communities usually live in the yakitutu dorms? I have to live in the calpoly scholars community and was wondering if they’d live there.

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Someone said that the AO told them that acceptances will be released soon, but why would the AO say that all of a sudden when every other person who has called/emailed was told the same narrative about decisions being rolled out until April 1? I’m a bit confused.


I graduated in 18’ with a BS in Kinesiology and Public Health from Cal Poly; I was also on the student council for the department. I remember seeing that grade distribution report when I was in school two years ago. Please do not be alarmed. You will find that many classes are challenging, but will prepare you for graduate school. All my classmates that were successful in our cohort went on to be very competitive and equipped candidates for graduate degrees in chiropractic medicine, physical therapy, physician assistant, public health, coaching, medical school, etc. You could argue that taking an easier major and doing the bare minimum prerequisites would give you a GPA leg up in the admissions process, but you will find yourself struggling in graduate school and not as strong as a candidate. I am in my second year of Doctor of Physical Therapy school and I have found that Cal Poly has prepared me more than any other student in my cohort. Cal Poly’s dedication to “learn by doing” results in there being a lab component to nearly every class you take; they also invest a substantial amount of money into lab equipment. I found myself having more practical knowledge than any of my classmates in doctorate school (e.g. experience performing EKGs, echocardiograms, maximal testing, etc). You will not find too many issues with impacted courses considering the major is on the smaller side and our department does a good job allocating spots based on the flow-chart. As you progress through school, your registration priority goes up and we have a fantastic department and pre-health career advising center that will assist you; usually, the worst-case scenario is you don’t get the time-schedule you want. Feel free to message me with any questions and congratulations on your acceptance!!!


That contributor joined CC 5 minutes before commenting - there have been “trolls” on other threads that post questionable or outright false info, sadly. I hope that’s not the case here.


They do updates every Wednesday night

I have very little experience but so far it has been easy! You update your degree planner so the department chair knows what classes everyone needs. You do your schedule builder to come up with various options. Less picky the better! When it’s your time to register you click enroll! I’m convinced the tools work and Mustang Success Center has all the help videos and instructions and helpful hints and live people to answer questions. Again my son is only a freshman and he is in engineering so this is a limited perspective but so far so good.


That is truly disheartening to hear.

Does anyone know if Cal Poly Scholars get any priority in registration?

Portal updated, just waitlisted. :frowning:


Remember, the UC’s will be coming out and everyone will be playing musical chairs with college enrollment. It’ll be a wait, but you could hear positive news in just a few weeks.


Thank you - this is true! But, if I get into one of my top UC’s, I would take that over Cal Poly easily. Was accepted to Riverside, but not my top UC choice.

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no updates yet :grin:

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D21 just waitlisted
Liberal Studies
in state, not local

Thankfully, my D is in at SLO. But there’s one, possibly 2 UC’s where if she’s accepted, she’ll have to think really hard about. SLO has been her #1 for a very long time.

Anyway, I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of SLO acceptances, like ours, that could flip.

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has anyone seen rejections? I haven’t seen an acceptance or a waitlist so I’m worried it means im getting rejected.

Darn just got waitlisted for CS

my daughter was just waitlisted now

Look above, applicants are being waitlisted today. Rejections come later, in a week or two.

damn that was all the acceptances :flushed:

Damn, no decision. I guess I got rejected then

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