Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Waitlist OOS mechanical engineering
4.2 capped SLO GPA. Gpa Weighted 4.12 unweighted 3.95 6 APs multiple multiple honors (7) ECs leadership internships etc club sports varsity

My daughter (in state) is waiting to hear about Kinesiology. I haven’t seen any acceptances or waitlists for it. I have seen Public Health, which is the same department but a different major. Anyone else?

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I’m not sure on this site but there are accepted kinesiology students on Cal Poly 2025 Instagram page

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No kinesiology acceptances on this site so far. But small sample size.

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oos or instate?

Son (in state) waitlisted for Kinesiology. I was wondering the same thing since I hadn’t seen any acceptances either for Kinesiology or Public Health. Bummer, was hoping for more acceptances this week.

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My husband and I are Cal Poly SLO Alums. My daughter hasn’t heard back yet, so hoping that doesn’t mean she was rejected. 4.43 GPA 4.57W , college courses, tons of leadership, varsity golf 4 years, volunteering, work

This is actually traumatic LOL


Son waitlisted today for Kinesiology. In state non local, 4.32 CSU GPA and a 3.8ish unweighted. 8.5 AP & honors classes (I think?). Activities and leadership positions in sports, college class in major. Tough one! He did not have a high school math in 8th grade though (due to a move into district)

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I got waitlisted in Psychology, but my friend got into Construction management looked today, not sure when it posted, but we both looked today bc saw the posts on here

What major?

My D was accepted for kinesiology last week.


Got in for biomedical engineering in February

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Does anyone know if being in the cal poly scholars program is good? And if they live in the newest dorms?

has anyone who was waitlisted today gotten the email from cal poly?


Are you instate or out of state for psychology? Thanks.

I still have not received the waitlist email. Has anybody?

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I just did right now at 5:10 pm

Same, just got it

What are the chances of being accepted off of the waitlist?

Yep, I got the email just 10 minutes ago now. So email appears to come 6 hours later.