Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

lmao i’m applying to cs w a 3.8 gpa so i’ve accepted my fate at this point

What exactly is the CalPoly Scholars program? My son was accepted and even got a scholarship for cal poly scholars but he never applied so we don’t know what it is. Can someone tell me what it involves and how the students are selected?

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When do people start signing up for orientation? Because on the YouTube it says “first year session dates” first come first serve.

Yes, you could still be admitted or waitlisted from what I know


I’m so scared that I won’t get off the waitlist. The wait till July feels brutal.

I might have missed it in the thread but is SLO done accepting? I applied Aerospace Engineering with a 4.5 GPA and have not heard back.

They did a large acceptance wave and a large waitlist wave but going by past history, more acceptances and waitlists may be dribbling out.


A little above in the thread I talked about how I called SLO admissions and they said they aren’t done with acceptances or waitlists.


What makes you assume it was a large wave of acceptances?

Many people posted here and on Reddit, a good chunk of my kids’ friends heard, and @Gumbymom characterized it as such, I believe, and compared it to past decision patterns.

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Has anybody heard rumors or anything about when the next wave of decisions will come out? Thank you!

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Unfortunately Aero is a small program at SLO. I believe there are a few that have reported being accepted. Of course, I can’t be sure that all acceptances have gone out. I wish you the best.

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If many people were also waitlisted, does that mean a large portion of them will be offered admission?

In previous years, they have not taken a large portion from the wait list. But this year is crazy and unpredictable for various reasons so they may utilize their wait lists more than they have previously.

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we are waiting too! please post once you hear and of course we will do the same.

We’re waiting too. Sadly getting more discouraged by the day. Good luck to everyone and congrats to everyone that got in!!

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I’ll express my thoughts on the difference between CalPoly and UCs. CalPoly is a learn by doing school - they live up to their mantra and are very practical in learning the materials hands on. My older son is an engineering major as was I. Of course my data is old as I graduated 27 years ago. But I would describe it this way. He’s taking classes covering welding, casting, modeling, CNC machining… I didn’t learn any of that and took classes that were far more theoretical. Rather I took classes like the theory of numbers, automata theory, natural languages… As such, I find UCs are far more theoretical, proof oriented. Now probably 2/3-3/4 of the content is the same but the balance is a far different approach to learning. Not sure which is better. As i still work in industry, I can share that their reputations differ. CalPoly students are more productive out of the gate and have an excellent regional reputation. UC grads are perceived as more research, academia, and intellectually focused. The truth is industry benefits from both. My 25 cents FWIW…


lol me too, same major and gpa :sweat_smile:

Thank you for these insights. For cal poly students in the humanities, arts or social sciences, how do you suppose this “”learn by doing” approach manifests?