Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

If you are on the SLO waitlist and you have not heard by May 1, then you need to enroll in another school. If and when you hear from SLO, then you can decide if you want to attend and lose your enrollment deposit at the other school or decline.

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If you are committed to play the waitlist game you need to accept that you will likely need to pay two enrollment deposits. College is expensive in a lot of ways

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 $400 deposit for nothing

I’m sure deposits vary greatly by school but can anyone give a ballpark, I’m literally clueless about this.

Some schools refund deposits. For example ASU refunds enrollment deposits if you cancel registration by June 1.


Yes you read that correctly. CPSLO is a great school and getting more competitive to get into as the number of applications increases every year. My son is currently a 4th year math major there. Notwithstanding COVID and all the ensuing restrictions, he has really loved his time at CP. What we both loved about it over other schools is the fact that all classes are taught by professors (not TAs), almost all classes have a small when compared to the UCs, and most classes engage in the “Learn By Doing” motto. Except for a couple of GE classes, most of my son’s classes have had 40 or less students. It makes a big difference in learning.


I’m also wondering this

For the UCs it is $250.

SDSU’s enrollment deposit is $400 while Cal Poly Pomona is $150 and CSU Fullerton is $250. It does vary by campus. The enrollment deposit does go towards your tuition and fees.

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I just saw the new cal poly admissions YouTube video of wow week for cal poly scholars and it said to sign up for pre-selected slo days, do you guys know what that means?

Wow week is orientation week. Freshman come one week prior to classes start and do a full week of orientation. It’s a fantastic program and our DS really enjoyed it. They break up in to their respective wow groups and spend the week becoming acclimated to campus life and have bon fires on the beach
 In any case, it’s only for admitted students that accepted and are about to start their freshman year. good luck.

I agree!!! I suspect they wait and see how many admitted students quickly reject CalPoly’s offer (e.g., someone who did early decision or knows they got in to their top choice). And based on that they may admit a couple more, waitlist a couple more and reject everyone else. In previous years it seems like a couple week lag behind first admissions. But who knows. The one thing that has most definitely changed from when I was a kid applying for college is the shear volume of schools kids apply to. I applied to 5 UCs and that’s it. Now with common app kids apply to 20+ schools as a norm. That creates a yield/forecasting problem for universities and I suspect we are being frustrated by some of its side effects.


When I applied for college, you could only apply to one UC. If you did not get in, they deferred you to your next choice. I applied to UCLA and no other schools. I just assumed I would get in. Another planet.

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Ditto. Being from up north all I wanted to do was go to school in SoCal. UCLA was my dream school. I couldn’t decide between Irvine or Riverside as my backup. I had literally no idea what either one looked like( no internet or websites back then). So I just flipped a coin and Riverside it was! Thankfully I got into my first choice. (No offense to Irvine or Riverside). In some ways our kids are lucky that they can apply to all of the UCs at once. Of course that’s also what has made them ultra competitive.

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See this page:
Using Private Health Insurance - Campus Health & Wellbeing - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

It says: “We recommend consulting with an insurance broker to find the best available insurance coverage for you or to choose a plan.”

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So Cal states don’t provide health insurance like the UC’s do? I’m assuming they do have a health center that is free to all stedents regardless of insurance?

yes they have a health center. they don’t sell insurance but they do provide basic healthcare services. of course if you are in need of significant medical attention 
 well then carry insurance.

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You should carry additional insurance in case of an accident or unexpected health issue.

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Still waiting for environmental engineering too.

I was just waitlisted today (for biological sciences) but I didn’t receive an email about a portal update