Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Same boat - no determination has been made - psych - instate :frowning:

Same boat - no determination has been made - ME - instate :frowning:

I got it earlier today

Of course! I am not 100% sure how much to put because there are no essays, and I was locked out of the extra-curricular section because “none of the majors/schools I was applying to needed to see it.”

I have a 3.88 UC GPA (not sure if its the same for CSU’s)

I live in state but in the Bay Area.

Le me know if you have any other questions!!!

That’s close to my sons gpa. We don’t live in the area, but he has good EC (I realize they don’t see all of this) and leadership and job (not major related)

Update/Correction: I have a 3.96 CSU GPA according to the A-G matching section!

Okay, thank you. My daughter is pretty close to that she has a 4.35 GPA with a 4.1 Cal Poly GPA and lots of APs and EC so fingers crossed she hears soon.

Thank you and good luck everyone!


2018 was an anomaly. They had just gotten rid of early decision in 2017 and messed up the yield so they waitlisted a lot of people in 2018 so they could adjust.

Seems like this is a common theme for instate psych!

Yes, my D is instate psych too. There has been absolutely no updates since she submitted mid October!

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2020 waitlist admits were definitely higher than 2019 but not sure if it as high as in 2018. Only time will tell.

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My D was waitlisted for CS

UW 4.0
CSU 4.348
11 AP

I don’t know what it takes to get in these days.


I hear ya! It seems like the stats like GPA and # of A-G that are ‘above and beyond’ the minimum seem to be similar across many applicants. It also seems like EC w/leadership is a common one most have. Some had jobs/some didn’t (in their MCA calculator, that did count for a bit of points but not sure how much it may weigh now). Give SATs are not part of the equation, I wonder if they look at what courses (not just AP but exact type of math class for example) students take (ie my son took AP Stats because of a schedule conflict and couldn’t take AP Calc - since he was applying for Biz Mgmt, we thought stats was more applicable anyway but maybe the system they are using to determine acceptance candidates has evolved a bit due to no SAT).

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I think they must have more than enough equally qualified candidates and there must be some additional factor. Geographical diversity within CA? Or just random picks?

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yeah, good point about geographical diversity. I get it but it would be a bummer to have to have some make it and some don’t (both of equal qualifications) but I know that happens. So far no news for my son’s application for Biz Management (high stats in line with other top candidates).

At this point I am wondering about financial aid. I was reading a NY Times article about CPP how they had an unprecedented demand for financial aid. Those not needing it might have an advantage late in the game or on the waitlist (?).

Son was waitlisted for Mechanical Engineering today. No email but update in his portal.
3.9 GPA 5 AP’s, Varsity Sports, lots of EC’s.

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There was a time when the US was criticized for not producing enough engineers (or other STEM grads). Today it seems as if every school has an overwhelming numbers of engineering applicants. Is there still a STEM deficiency in the US?


Engineering is only a part of STEM. Having many in Engineering may not resolve the STEM shortage.

I don’t think it’s random picks. My daughter was accepted on 2/23 into Aero. She met or exceeded every item on the recommended a-g class list except 5 years of English, 4.35 CSU GPA, 13 APs and 6 honors which included Calc BC, Physics C, AP Stats. She took Algebra 1 and Geometry in middle school. She requested grades for 2nd semester of her junior year and is loaded up on APs her senior year. I think if you want to go to Cal Poly, it has to be on your radar early in your HS or even middle school career.

It bums me out when people say it’s a lottery or luck or it’s because they were test blind or it must be Tuft’s syndrome or it’s because junior grades were CR/NC. A lot of hard working kids got accepted and we all should be super happy for them. I believe they earned it.

My daughter applied to some schools that will reject her and accept others. She understands that each school has its own criteria and there is no way you can be the perfect candidate for every school.