Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

I think there are some applicants with similar stats who have been waitlisted or have not heard yet for competitive majors.


There was one kid who was waitlisted for one of the engineering majors yet he had already been accepted at Stanford early action.


Yeah I don’t think it is random either but still baffling. Congratulations to your daughter!!Amazing discipline and hard work!!! No doubt she will be amazing!!! My son is not pursuing engineering (Biz Mgmt) and maxed/exceeded A-G except English and Fine Arts. His GPA is 4.0UW and 4.2 (which i think is the max capped SLO gpa 
 all A’s and 4+ APs by Jr year
 I tried the GPA math many ways and didn’t see how it can be higher for 9-11 A-G classes with capped APs). He took AP stats and that seems applicable to Biz (he didn’t take Calc but maybe that counted against him even for Biz). 11 APs. Community college courses were not on our radar as he was already busy with ECs and such. It seems to be a factor more and more to do those for sure.

He didn’t have work experience(not even major related so that could be at play too) but I still had hoped for waitlist if not acceptance.


I though admissions to SLO was a straight number thing–is there a subjective component or other factors that go into admissions?

Congrats to your daughter. There is always the CC and transfer in 2 years option. Besides being able to get into the school of your choice (due to high 2 year drop out rates), it also saves a lot of money.

I just wonder what they do if they have too many applicants with the same high numbers.

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They always have too many applicants with high numbers and this year, they are missing about 35-40% of the MCA number thing they normally use by being test blind. Last year they turned away 12K kids with a 4.0 or better. Nobody knows the magical formula they are using this year without test scores but lots of high-stats kids aren’t going to make it.


Do you have any insights on how to feel if you have no response in your portal, but you see waitlists for students with lower stats (but only slightly). Are there any acceptances left to offer or is the best remaining result a waitlist? If so, Im not sure of what to make of nothing in the portal compared to some that have been waitlisted with lower gpa etc.


Still no word on application for graphic design. They needed to review portfolios which were only submitted on Feb 23.

accepted 2/23
in state
4.3(i think?) CSU GPA

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That’s not an if they have too many applicants, it’s a when. They always do. I can’t remember what the stats are about number of total apps for number of available spaces. It’s a big delta. They have way more high stat students than spaces, and they probably don’t just line everyone up and take the top xxxx number. We know they are trying to increase gender, ethnic, socioeconomic, and location diversity, so they are looking for more equity in decisions than in the past. Every 4.5 gpa w/ 12 APs, CC classes, 2 jobs and 36 ACT won’t get in. That doesn’t mean those with incredible stats who didn’t get accepted or off a WL weren’t worthy of attending. It doesn’t mean that someone with lower stats isn’t worthy either. We don’t know how they make decisions. We do know that two people’s identical stats are not seen as identical for reasons we don’t know.

Students – please don’t see any college’s decision as a measure of your worth or feel it as a sign that you are not successful!! There are many colleges, and while it may seem like SLO would be perfect for you (and it might be), that doesn’t mean you won’t be happy at other schools, and that other schools might have a great education for you too.

In case it makes any difference to know – my son is still waiting to hear on Aero.


Thank you for this post. My son is still waiting on Aero too, fyi.

California public schools are not allowed to discriminate based on gender, race, or ethnicity. Proposition 209.

I just got waitlisted for psych as well. I applied w a 4.31 CSU gpa, 4.0 unweighted, in state, high income (not sure if income is relevant, but it might be)

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I have not seen anyone announce a decision for graphic design. It sounds like the portfolio submission might put those decisions on a separate time table.

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I know. But they still can not use race, gender, ethnicity as a factor in acceptances. They are trying to enact diversity other ways like outreach, etc.

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Son waitlisted for Bio Sciences. 3.88 CSU UW/4.2 Capped/4.5 uncapped, 11 APs, tons of ECs and leadership. Congrats to all the kids who got in!!


I have no doubt that your son will get into one of the schools at the top of his list.

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