Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Several years ago SLO stopped their early admission program because those programs are known to be less populated by students who need financial aid. From what I remember, at the time, SLO had the lowest numbers of women and the least ethnically diverse student body in all the CS system. They make a point in talking about how they are trying to increase diversity. I don’t know how they are addressing those issues, just that they are.

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FWIW, my D just graduated ME in 4.25 years after changing from BMED freshman year (1st quarter) and my S19 is on track to graduate in 4 in CS. There’s been some maneuvering for both each quarter but they almost always got their major classes. S got all his classes for next quarter no problem. Seems like it’s gotten a lot better (along with the food) :slight_smile: May depend somewhat on how much credit from APs you transfer in with as my understanding is priority is based on seniority, but I’ve not verified this. S took the dreaded CSC 357 his freshman year!

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They are. But not through the admissions process.

Are they still trickling in? There is no new info on my D’s page.

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I saw an acceptance that came in on Reddit yesterday or the day before.

My son waitlisted for ME. Received email notification.
I don’t know his stats for cal states. His UC stat is 3.88uw, 4.21capped, 4.6ish uncapped. 8 APs including physic, cal AB and bc, CS. took ap tests for physics M and E as well. All 5s. Will not mention EC since it’s irrelevant here.


Is ME materials or mechanical engineering?

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Mech E. Materials is MATE.

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Thank you!

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Hey, so I was waitlisted and I am curious if I have to accept my place on the waitlist or if I am just automatically there? Also, is there a way I can check to see how far down on the waitlist I am?

My son has similar stats - took geometry and algebra in middle school, every possible math including MV/linear algebra this year, physics C both mechanics and e&m last year, calc bc as a
Sophomore. 11 APs, all 6 he took before applying with 5s. National merit finalist. Certificate of recognition from the CA state senate for impact of volunteer work (they don’t see that, I think), AMC awards.
Never had a B in his life.
Waitlisted in cal poly for CS, accepted to Stanford REA.
It is a bit random as they cannot accept everybody. Especially, for CS


With this stats, it’s just hard to believe there is no yield protect. :open_mouth:


He never had a job or internship related to CS, maybe that was the problem. We figured, after all this hard work during the school year, he should have his summers. Spent them in immersion camps in Spain, learning Spanish and going to the beach. He had something lined up this past summer but it didn’t happen due to COVID.


Are you Jason Chen’s mom?

They probably have a system that filters out all the super high achievers based on historic data. Like zero students with this kind of stats have accepted their offer. lol


Yeah sounds like yield protection.

That’s what I try to tell my son but his stats are definitely nowhere near as impressive!(But they definitely are inline with SLO) :grin: No word from Cal Poly yet -

I would like to think they don’t do that kind of filtering but they do have an impressive Computer Science dept (maybe it’s a Learn by doing project). If they are using some kind of machine learning/AI, it’s definitely missing the human element (those are far from perfect/accurate without tons of varied data but who knows maybe they have enough to make these “predictions”). Cal Poly is such a unique place that might be a much better fit for some than the UCs they may get into.

My S21 would be third generation Mustang (his dad and great grandfather are alums)… and we will continue to wait and refresh the portal often.


Interesting. Did he get 2 years of fine arts and 1 year of elective? Also. did he enter EC hours? Just curious. Just trying to figure this out.

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No, just the regular art. He had some CS electives including AP CS. There are many factors: they may want some CS experience (as I said, no internships or job). Also, diversity - a white male is probably ORM. I think he put EC hours, substantial involvement in sports and this volunteering.
It’s all fine for us. Hope everybody’s hard work will pay off!

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FYI, they are not allowed by law to discriminate by ethnicity, race, or gender in admissions.

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