Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Did you get into 1st choice major at SJSU?

Do you have other choices at this point? Or decisions pending?

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Same. Got into SLO though. What’s your major at SLO?

Got wiatlisted for general engineering

Mots are pending but i have a few choices such as sjsu and asu right now. But slo is def my top choice


Yup! Got into mechanical engineering


Yes! We were there today!

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Thank you!

Was it bustling or quiet? And
did you have to have a COVID-test to enter campus?

Do you think Cal Poly has completed their acceptances yet. My daughter still has no decision. Just wondering if she still has a chance

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Yes my son lives on campus. He’s a freshman. The campus is open!


It was quiet. No COVID testing required. No gate to pass through. Just park and walk around. This was week 9 of winter quarter. Next week is finals and the week after is spring break. Spring quarter begins on March 29 so I suspect these next few weeks will be quiet.


We are planning on going next week for my sons spring break to check things out. Anything we shouid definitely see? Recommendations on where to stay since we may spend the night?

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M S and H went to look last week right after acceptances were released. The one stop I would make, which I heard about on the CP Parents of admitted students facebook page is the horses. There are currently multiple babies and they are nestled among the backdrop of the green hills. It was worth seeking them out.

There is a Hampton Inn there that is clean and inexpensive. Not a resort, but it has worked for us.

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We stay here. Hampton Inn and Suites Hotel in San Luis Obispo, CA

Can’t get into too many buildings, I don’t think, so I would say walk around and see as much as possible. Check out the student store and food areas around campus. Drive or walk around the different dorm areas as you won’t know which ones be you will be living in. Check out the website before you go so you have an idea about where everything is. Check out the recreation center and the newest eating area (Vista Grande). Visit the buildings where your major is. Students have to certify every day for COVID so you may not be able to go in but you can look. Check out Kennedy Library, hike to the P (it’s above Poly Canyon Village Apts). You will see it when you drive in the entrance on Grand Ave. The horses are the first thing you see when you enter on Grand also. They are on the right and then the newest dorms, Yakitutu are on the left. You can also park as a guest if you make your first left at the signal (Pacheco Way). Hope this helps.


Yes! Thank you so much for the tips!

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Let me know if you need more specifics about anything.

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My daughter has not had any information yet either. We are presuming it’s a no and they haven’t sent those out yet.

Thank you so much!

I think we will be there when SLO is on break, as that is when my son is on break too. Hopefully we can still get a good feel for the campus.

Anyone hear from Cal Poly Slo liberal studies major. My D wants to be an elementary school teacher which is what that major is for but I am fearful students with much high stats apply to that major hoping to transfer to something like engineering !

Before my son chose SLO last year, we visited during COVID spring break 2020. It was crickets but we still got a good feel for the campus. We also did a lot of the virtual info sessions that they will offer soon. We studied the flowcharts for his major so we could see the specific classes he would be taking. There is a lot you can do to make an informed decision. He decided on SLO and it is the perfect fit for him.

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