Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Congrats! Our son is still waiting to hear for Aero. Our daughter is a 3rd yr student in the business school. The vibe on campus is great. It’s friendly and a little laid back since it’s a small town. They definitely get serious when it’s time to study. Our daughter loves it and we enjoy visiting. I suggest you join the facebook parent page ‘Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents’ and make sure you answer the 3 questions. There is a lot of information there.


Fingers crossed for your son getting into Aero! This admissions cycle has been so crazy and stressful for these kids. My son is still waiting to hear from like 7 schools. He applied to more than he had originally planned with California schools going test blind. I really appreciate the info about the CPSLO facebook parents group and your impression of the campus as a current parent!

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Definitely recommend the Cal Poly Facebook group. Tons of great information and guidance.


Thanks @sciencegal23 That is great to know! My son’s school has Spring Break in mid April and I’m hoping we can at least walk around some of the campuses he has been accepted to so he can better picture himself there. Good luck to you in making your decision!


Thanks so much! This year has been crazy! Mine is waiting on a few more UCs but got into Cal Poly Pomona for Aero plus a few more. I have a feeling he might end up at Pomona if it’s a no from SLO. They will be happy wherever they land. I’ll see you on the parent page!

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The building may be new, but is the food any better? Asking because rates SLO food as a “D+”.

I’ve heard it’s better from the students we know, but honestly, will food be the deciding factor? :joy: If food was the deciding factor in what town I/we live in, I wouldn’t have bought a house here. :grimacing:

There’s always Firestone Grill in town.

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CONGRAT! It’s wonderful to hear such a great news.
We visited the campus during the moving week last fall. Sadly it was during smoking time but we still enjoyed it. I am sure your son would enjoy it. Best of luck :blush:

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I hope it’s improved since I went to school there forever ago!

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There are several YouTube videos (done by both the university and students) on the new dining hall and how it’s being received.

My son goes to CalPoly. Many things about the campus are awesome: new freshman dorms opened three years ago, upper classmen dorms at Poly Canyon Village which are essentially apartments each with four private bedrooms, the new dining facility which is right across the street from freshmen dorms, and the recreation/fitness center. Also lots of open spaces and great area generally (downtown SLO, beach, mountains). Nice place for parents to visit. Style of most buildings is not so great (kinda 1970ish) but I guess you get used to them.


Thanks for sharing this info. We’re looking forward to a visit in a couple of weeks.

My son is a freshman in the ME dept. He lives in the Yakitutu dorms. My daughter just got accepted 2/23 to Aero. It’s one of her top picks so far. My son really wanted to go to SLO and loves it! There are tons of reasons why SLO is a great choice. Let me know if you have specific questions.

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I don’t understand why some applicants have not heard back at all. Does that mean they might be higher on the list than those currently waitlisted? Or are they denials yet to be sent? I’m baffled by this process.


lol. Denials for sure!

If they are in fact “lol. Denials for Sure” then that is so very sad.
I mean an in state/NorCal upstanding student waiting on CS admit, after working self to exhaustion for 4 years: 10 APs and honors 4.0 UW and 4.8W GPA, 35 ACT solid ECs and worked a job since turning 16, should expect admission. I hope it is delayed for some kind of honors admission. If not, my goodness, what is SLO looking for in admitting a CS student?


Don’t get me wrong, we are in the same boat as you and just as frustrated. I am just going based on the previous years’ trends!

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Let’s hope you are right:)

I think there are lots of kids with perfect or near perfect grades, rigor and ec hours. I think working lots of hours must be the differentiating factor for the competitive majors. I wonder if they even verify it…

You are completely correct. Denials are next. It only takes a few minutes to look at the trends for the past few years. Acceptance, waitlist, rejections. In that order. Some people think it is cruel but if you study the patterns and know what to expect, or what “not” to expect, you will see what is coming.

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