Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Waitlisted students may not hear until after May 1 so please make plans to enroll in another school. If spots open up before that time, then SLO will start admitting from the waitlist.

Yes to this. We are using our time now to make decisions based on the acceptances D has now and learning more about those programs to find the best fit. If a spot opens for her at SLO and she wants it late in the game we will allow her to take it. We have decided that moving forward has kept us busy while also finding unexpected positive attributes to other schools. We are also reminding her that where she goes to college is not the end all be all of what happens in her life. She will be ok.


Yup - we are in the same situation. S21 was accepted to several UCs but no response from SLO (for Business Admin - not a STEM major) - which is disappointing. It doesnā€™t take away from my respect and love of SLO as a university but Iā€™m not sure what to think of the AO and the logic behind holding off a month (from original acceptances) to tell students they have not been accepted/waitlisted. Youā€™ll see many high stat students are in the same situation here so itā€™s no reflection on our studentsā€™ qualifications and abilities. From what we know, SLO only looks at GPA, rigor, work hours, EC/Leadership hours (and certain local criteria/children of SLO employees) and determine fit for the chosen major - that may be hard to figure out ā€˜fitā€™ when so many incredible students all have the same stats.

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My daughter was admitted with much lower qualifications than my son just 2 years ago. I just believe CS is super heavily impacted.

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One twin accepted, other no word from Design Majorā€¦

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I think that those who are looking at the other choices have the right idea. We have started doing the same and it has been a better use of our time and energy.


Congratulations! Do you mind sending her stats please? Would be greatly appreciated!!

Just spoke to admissions and she said they will be wrapping up freshman decisions in the next week, maybe 5 days.

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Iā€™m confused. But actually, maybe itā€™s not all bad. I mean, if theyā€™re all rejections, they could just do it now, right? What would be the hold up? Is it possible they are ones that theyā€™re on the fence about? Doesnā€™t that make more sense in terms of it taking so long/longer? Not to get anyoneā€™s hopes upā€¦

Letā€™s say an applicant who was accepted to SLO was waiting on their UCLA decision (today) to finally commit and hadnā€™t yet accepted SLOā€™s offer of admittance, as but one of many examples. That type of situation, one of many, may explain the delay on SLO sending out more decisions.

SLO could be waiting on a slew of admittances making their decisions post-UCLAā€™s (or Cal or pick a school) release.


Right. They probably will get a slew of commitments after Berkeley on Monday.

Iā€™m guessing they are shaping the class and running late in doing so. Lots of scramble this year behind the scenes.

I didnā€™t really understand the pessimism on this thread, though Iā€™m sure there are many rejections coming of course. My guess is too that they are not actually stalling based on other schools. They will have their numbers covered and a waitlist.

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So maybe those who have not yet heard could very well be accepted, versus waitlisted or rejected? Otherwise, wouldnā€™t they have been told that by now?

Iā€™m just guessing here, but I think my D is waiting on her UCLA rejection before committing to SLO. And sheā€™s not even sure she would go to UCLA, if admitted, because they donā€™t even have her desired CAFES (SLO) major at UCLA. Itā€™s just the allure of UCLA. :upside_down_face:

I donā€™t think they could count on many students to tell them that quickly. Good luck to sushiritto bus today!

Trust me, D will be at WOW week at SLO in a few short months, assuming they have one.


I asked her if it was true that they come in waves as weā€™ve seen in the pastā€¦first admits, then waitlists and then rejections, so if we havenā€™t heard yet we can assume we are denied and she said it wasnt that cut and dry. She said that with this year, like everything else to do with Covid, itā€™s all weird and that they hold off on the denials because they want to be absolutely sure that there isnā€™t anyone else that theyā€™d like to waitlist or accept before the send out that final decision. So, for our own sanity Iā€™m assuming that my son will be getting bad news, and perhaps thereā€™s a very slight chance heā€™ll be happily surprised. Really no help at all sorry. Sounds like we have a few more days of wondering. Ugh.


Of course, she may have SIRā€™ed to SLO already, since Iā€™m not home. :grinning:

Are you waiting on UCLA like the rest of the world?

This would indeed make it hard for them to craft an announcement.

Yes. Not buying any gear yet. Lol