Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

My S just submitted his SIR to Cal Poly SLO for CS!

We paid no deposit and I just need some reassurance that we did everything correctly. Has anyone else accepted admission and received email from the admissions office? I know it’s Sunday and I’ve given it about 15 minutes, but I’m excited and looking for confirmation.


Congrats! That’s wonderful

We haven’t “hit the button” yet, but we’re planning to do it today I hope. SLO is our top choice and I don’t see her final two outstanding decisions changing that choice.


I had a feeling your daughter would be a Mustang too! For an animal science major it’s a fabulous choice!

We’ve known since the day he was accepted that it would be his top choice. Today he woke up ready to commit. I’m planning a summer trip down there and have already booked a hotel for move in week.

If you do hit the button today, I’d love to know if you get an email right away. I still feel unsettled that we did something wrong.

Davis was her other top choice, since they also have an animal science/pre-vet program, but UCD rejected her and the decision is made for us. :grinning:

When is move in week?

It was discussed upthread and someone knew that the WOW week would be the week before classes start. With cancellation policies as liberal as they are, I figured I’d go for it and book a room for around that time. It’ll be a mini vacation on the central coast for H and I!

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Maybe, but she had done this every year for the last three years, so it was before the pandemic. So… :woman_shrugging: But I wasn’t a huge fan of her as a counselor. Anyway, I am wishing all of you the best of luck with your sons and daughters! :raised_hands:

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I saw that classes start 9/15, but I’m unsure when WOW week starts. How long did you book for? Dates?

Thank you! Yes it IS a great school. We are considering everything. We are waiting to hear from Michigan and Wisconsin now, then we will decide. Thanks for the info! :pray::raised_hands:

I’m an over-enthusiastic mom and he’s my youngest. I booked for a week from the 7th to the 14th. I figured we can cancel whatever days we don’t need or want. I’m guessing the kids would move in around the 8th or 9th? Just a guess, though.

The last time we stayed down there, we booked at the beach. I’m wondering if we need to be closer to campus for move-in? Thoughts?

I went with the Hampton Inn that’s pretty close to campus. It’s nothing special, though. If anyone has another idea that would be better I’m all ears.

The SLO Brew Lofts look extremely fun, but I think I’ll save that one for a visit that is less about getting S settled and more about empty nesters taking a little vacation.

For move in etc, how does this work? How long would parents need to be around?

Hey man, don’t be rude. Riverside is a fantastic school with a top tier environmental science program. Not only that, UCR also has its own medical school. Also as for your earlier comment about CPSLO being on par with UCLA, they’re completely different schools. One is a major research university and another is a smaller regional undergrad focused school. But I’m sure you already knew that considering the nature of your comments suggests this is a ■■■■■ account

I’m going to say it’ll depend on the family.

Some kids can be dropped off and goodbyes are much “shorter and sweeter.” And other students will need some additional “hand-holding.”


Thanks. But do I need to book a room for multiple days for some reason?

We dropped off D19 at UCD and were on our way home after about 30 minutes. She was ready to go. S21 is even more ready to get going on his life, so I don’t know what makes me think that I need to be around that long.

This forum helps me once again. I will adjust that reservation. I’m clearly losing it!

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I think so, since we don’t know the exact move in date and there aren’t too many hotels close by. I saw the suggestion on the Cal Poly Parents Facebook page and I just enthusiastically booked a week.

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Just regarding Davis…you may live there or something and know more than me, but Davis is a cool town, and I would think kids don’t really have to leave town at all when they’re busy with school, have a good place to go to Boba, and are surrounded by friends. AND within an hour there are great places to go, and an hour’s nothing if you’re going on a day’s outing.

And btw, @Caliboundboi my neighbor just graduated from Davis in bio and loved all of her time there.


I’m going to say that the FB page for parents has everything you need info wise, but I googled around and found this for 2020, which we know was not a normal year.

For your son’s bestie…every year there is a list that comes out of schools accepting applications after the usual date. It’s like they miscalculated in their admissions and still have room in the class. There are always “good” schools on there. This year, who knows, right? But that may give some extra choices for your son’s bestie. There’s also a list of schools still accepting applications. That one is easily found with a google search. I think put rolling in the search. The former someone else may need to chime in on when that comes out, and how to find it.