Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Thank you. Will let D know

Interesting that it mentioned what clubs someone is in since that is not something students can provide in the application. Also, as some have mentioned in this forum, itā€™s kind of mind blowing to think that if your 11-12 year old did not take accelerated math, that could seal their fate at SLO ( our district starts accelerated math in 6th grade - based on a quick test that 10 year olds had to take and they didnā€™t understand the implicationsā€¦yikes!). Itā€™s hard to fathom weā€™d know the impact that would have ā€¦doesnā€™t totally mesh with my brain but it does help explain some of the admissions decisions I suppose.

I remembered reading this older article from 4/17/2020, where a SLO spokesperson says to send scores, not for admission, but for placement:

[quote]Cal Poly spokesman Matt Lazier said that even though the university will not use the standardized test scores in the admissions process, it still is advising students to submit them.

ā€œFor 2021, the university will modify its comprehensive review and, even though we wonā€™t require test scores, we will strongly encourage those who have them to send them to us for diagnostic placement purposes,ā€ Lazier said in an email to The Tribune.[/quote]

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Congratulations @sushiritto. I heard that there was a mistake in the30 day notice from the offer letter and there is a correction that is being released. The deadline for acceptance is May 1st for undergraduates.

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Thank you. Weā€™ll submit SAT along with AP scores.

Really? So, I wasnā€™t imagining it?

venting out:
Accepted in Computer Science at UCLA, UCSD, USD, USR, UCSC, UCI, all Regents except UCLA
Rejected at SLO, Really?!!
4.4 GPA, 13 APs all 5ā€™s


Totally agree. Iā€™m having a really hard time with this as well. Decisions you make with your 5th grader that can have implications for college decisions. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. We also moved states during years where choices were made at the end of elementary and middle school ages, and the 2 states operated differently with math and foreign Languageā€¦so itā€™s just feels icky because we had lost ā€œopportunities.ā€


I wish we had your problems, my D is almost the polar opposite. :grinning:

Maybe I should vent on those other UC forums. :thinking:


My point is admission fairness, SLO is not as selective as others like UCLA, UCSDā€¦
Does not seem rightā€¦

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Sorry to hear that you werenā€™t accepted to SLO. However, you have many excellent choices. Keep in mind that there are 4.0+ kids with multiple APs that got into ZERO UCs or Cal Poly. We canā€™t always understand admissions decisions, but you have much to be proud of. Focus on the positive! :grinning:


I am happy with what I got, I am really feeling for kids with great academics who did not get in due to mystery admission criterion!

For some majors SLO is every bit, if not more selective. Take a look at the stats for CS.

I hope your student is very happy with all of those wonderful choices and looking forward and not back.

I clarified above, its not about me, give the choices I would not have joined SLO anyways, I was highlighting admission criterion

Admissions is an imperfect science. Schools have different metrics and SLO has an odd application with assigning MCA points for middle school classes, as an example.

Also, selectivity is relative. CS/Engineering is WILDLY different than Fruit Science or Recreation, Parks and Tourism majors at SLO.

Lastly, Iā€™m not a big believer in ā€œventing.ā€ Iā€™m a firm believer in ā€œit is what it is.ā€ My D would have loved a Davis admission, that would have made her decision more difficult, but Iā€™m not on the Davis forum ā€œventingā€ about it.


well, if you donot like the post, ignoring is a choiceā€¦

You are correct. This was verified by someone in the admissions office.

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Addressing your post is also a choice.

good luck addressing all posts that you donot likeā€¦
PS: last post on this topic with you

It said 30 days for graduate students but it was on the portal for undergrad. Made no sense.