Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

How many engineering grads go on to pursue graduate degrees? Can anyone share info about where they land schoolwise or link to lists? Asking for a student admitted to Mechanical Engineering who wants to do a PhD later…Thanks!

SLO opened new dorms called yakʔityutyu and SLO has also built some newer apartment complexes in the northeast area of campus. The “Red Brick” dorms are known for being older and in need of an update. We toured yakʔityutyu and I thought it was really nice and the rooms were very spacious.


We toured too - literally right before COVID hit. We thought all of the rooms seemed just fine - my son didn’t complain or seem to hate them - BUT, at the time, they said Red Bricks and Yosemite were doubles (the tour guide did call out that North Mountain a triple). They speak highly of the new dorms in the mini-documentary, but older dorms are made to sound awful. I’m sure the truth is somewhere in between, but just trying to get a gauge as we compare to UCSD…

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The fact that honors program gets to live in the new dorm is a major driver for my boys to apply

There’s quite a few new dorms and apartments. Besides yakʔityutyu, which I was impressed with personally, there’s also the newer Cero Vista apartments as well.

I think my D will apply for honors as well. But the SLO students we toured with said they applied for the “substance free” housing and they got yakʔityutyu.

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Those are really nice - but would those be for freshmen?

Says for “FY” (first year). Poly Canyon is for continuing students, also newer.

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I would think substance free is a good compliment to honors kids and a new building.

My son is not interested in the honors program and there is no talking him into it. He is thinking about the College of Engineering community. Has anyone heard where they might be housed?

He would be game for substance free as well, so if that’s the way to get a better shot at yakʔityutyu, he would probably choose that.


I thought they decide year to year which LL communities go in which dorms?

My s is same as yours - not interested in honors, but might be down for substance free. I talked to @NightHawkIV here on CC who has two boys in the Engineering community and they love it (he didn’t mention which dorms they are in this year).

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Congrats that she’s had great choices. Can you tell me about the “grant money”? I guess you mean need-based aid?

@CopperlineX2 Cal Poly’s Orfalea College of Business is excellent! My best friend happens to be on the Dean’s Advisory Council for Orfalea, and is the Co-Head of Technology Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs. She is heavily involved at Cal Poly and an incredible mentor to its business students. Probably the most intelligent person I have ever met, and I’m not biased just because she has been my bestie since high school. She went to Cal Poly for undergrad and then onto Stanford for her MBA. My son isn’t interested in majoring in Business, but if he was I would not hesitate to send him to Cal Poly.

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My son lives by himself in a Yakitutu triple. They are super nice. But, oh my I can’t imagine three college boys in the room! :joy: But I’m sure with a little organization it would be fine. Also, in a normal time, most kids would not spend a ton of time in their room. I know I didn’t. I couldn’t get anything done in the dorms. Too much fun stuff going. I would go to an empty classroom or the library.

I thought the engineering RLC was typically in Sierra Madre and Yosemite. The grey looking cave dorms.

My son stayed in Red Bricks during EPIC camp and he said they were pretty old but he also said he wouldn’t have minded living there if he had the chance to go to SLO. This was before he was accepted last year.

And the word on the street is that the substance free RLC is not exactly substance free. :grimacing:


What is the deal with the substance free rlc not really being substance free?

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I really appreciate this thread. Question…would you choose UCR or Cal Poly SLO for biomedical engineering? I am leaning toward UCR because it’s closer to metropolitan cities. I know SLO has a good engineering program but I don’t think the quiet small town feel is for me. I would love thoughts. Am I making a mistake choosing UCR over SLO?? I really wanted a big school with lots of life and places to go.

We make too much to qualify for cal grant but UC’s seem to have more $ for institutional grants than cal states. We have a son at UCI so Davis offered us 16k in grant $ for next year with 2 in college. Painful that SLO only offered loans but she wanted undergraduate business school & wasn’t so keen on business Econ/managerial Econ/management science offerings at UC’s. Degree outcomes for UCD managerial Econ seemed kind of depressing compared to SLO business admin as well. The extra $ will be worth it if cal poly community is even half as great as advertised.

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Again this is the word on the street so don’t take it as fact. From what my son has told me, they do not enforce substance free so there are substances in the substance free dorms.

That must be a bummer for kids there who are in recovery.


They are very different. I would visit each, do as much virtual stuff as possible and compare the curriculum flow charts. Congratulations on having great choices!!