Cal Poly SLO Engineering Class of 2023 Admit by Major

It seems crazy that all admit info is listed in one giant “Class of 2023” thread when each college is so different so I’m starting a Class of 2023 Engineering Admissions Thread - if someone else has found/started a different one let me know.

Please include:

Status: Accepted/Waitlisted/Rejected:
Weighted GPA:
MCA: (if known)
Bonus Points: (Local Area, Parent didn’t finish HS, etc)

I think this will really help future classes be able to parse through admit data as right now it’s nearly impossible

Thanks for starting this. It isn’t as hard searching as it might seem. You just use the magnifying glass at the top right section of the thread. Good luck.

@eyemgh I searched the last 3 years threads and it is harder than it seems especially since majors like aero had so few posts. also, searching for “general engineering” was nearly impossible as people call it ‘gene’ or ‘gen e’ or whatever so if you search broadly enough for it to show up at all you get a ton of junk searches as well. I’m hoping that an engineering specific thread would be more browsable/parsable for the small subset of applicants that apply to engineering vs the entire school but we’ll see if anyone bothers to post here! It won’t help me, it is strictly for future wanna be Mustangs.

In a perfect world, rejected applicants would post too. The problem is, rejections drag out. By that time, no one seems very engaged with helping future applicants. Let’s hope your thread furthers the cause. Thanks!

Thank you! My son applied ME ENG.
In state, GPA W4.47 9APs SAT 1400. MCA by my calc (could be off) 4705. Bonus 20+ hours extra curric and job related to ME.

He’s been accepted at WPI and Purdue. Deferred to reg decision at Georgia tech. We shall see.
Good luck to all.

@RoboticsWidow, my son got into ME with a 4736, but that was 4 years ago. The good news for your son, my son agonized until 2 days before the deadline between CP and WPI. There’s a LOT to like about WPI and your son is already in. The rest is gravy. Best of luck.

P.S. I know a ME at CP who has a sibling that graduated from GT. They told me their sib was blown away by the complexity of the CP labs and senior projects relative to GT. That’s one data point, but an impressive vote for Poly.

My daughter, current freshman in IE, agonized between Purdue and CalPoly, WPI was in play as well.
WPI is interesting because they make absolutely sure you can succeed, with their half semester and failure forgiveness. Purdue is a world class school and they are working hard to erase their “weed out classes for freshmen” reputation. In the end the deciding factor for us was geography. She wants to live on the west coast after graduation, a lot easier to find opportunities for internships and employment with a school on the west coast than others. Something else to note, it is relatively easy to switch majors within College of Engineering as long as it is not switching into one of the Computer related majors (CS, CPE, SE).

Daughter applied Mech Eng major, still waiting.
Stats: 1340, math 700
GPA weighted 4.2
5APs, many honors classes,
Marching/Jazz/Pep band all four years, led Drumline last two years, won several competitions
Physics award 2018, attended WIE overnight at SLO, loved it.
We are CA residents.
Still waiting, know that this is a reach school.
Already accepted at Texas A&M, in Engineering review queue, also at Embry Riddle Prescott and also at U of Utah, Engineering admit at both, great scholarships at both (ERAU was the best so far, Utah she got WUE), just accepted at SDSU this week, ME.
Good luck to all!!!

@rockmom21, besides agonizing between CP and WPI, Utah was in the mix for my son too, right up until the end. The Spiral Curriculum in ME is very innovative (trying to be more like CP and WPI, hands on from the beginning), there’s lots of outdoorsy stuff to do, and the MUSS is crazy fun. It’s a very underrated school for ME.

@eyemgh that’s great to know!
My daughter plans on trying out for U of U Percussion, which if she makes it, would be fantastic for her with all that Pac12 Football!
She is visiting Utah with her dad next week, for a campus tour and school of engineering visit. As a CA resident, I told her to visit in January as she is not used to a true winter environment.
I think she may love it!

@rockmom21, SLC does get snow, but unlike the dreary PNW, SLC averages 222 sunny days a year. It’s a good tour. The dorms are nice. Have fun.

@eyemgh where did your son end up? WPI, CP? Sorry if you already said. We are in So Cal so I have to admit the logistics of travel for Purdue or WPI seem a bit daunting.

@RoboticsWidow, he ended up at CP doing ME with a Mechatronics concentration.

Getting to WPI initially can be a chore because it’s all the way across the country. From there on though, visits would be a simple as a flight between Boston and So Cal.

You may want to reach out to @HPuck35. He has some insight on those logistics and a unique perspective regarding WPI and CP. CP has changed a bit in the last few years. For example, you can start senior project any term. He was very helpful when my son was deciding.

Good luck!

I was accepted to engineer at college station.

Just curious what review queue is about.

Also applied to cal poly san luis. Probably wont hear until late March. I’m from California, so Texas would be 58000 per year. If your daughter is accepted to cal poly do you think she will do there?

@Cyla not sure.
She is visiting the Corps of Cadets program next week.
She would like to be in aggie band.
I think if she gets into SLO it will likely sway her away from TX.

@Cyla well she visited TAMU. She liked it! Since she was offered Blinn Engineering Academy, the cost for us would be cut in half, year one and two, before she is full time at College Station…
Also just this morning she checked her portal
And was admitted to Cal Poly Pomona, Mech Eng.
I’m hoping SLOs answer is coming soon so she can move on and make a decision!

@RoboticsWidow happy to chat if you’d like. I have one at CP (now a sophomore in CPE) and one at WPI (on her 5th year, getting masters in May) in Biomedical Eng. I have been blown away with WPI – perfect school for my daughter. The “term” schedule, the study abroad, the project based learning, the president, just an amazing experience. That being said CP is the perfect school for our son! We’re in NJ so he is far and she is 4 hours by car.

@njmommadiddy, you’re the second split WPI/CP family I’ve met. Our son, finishing his MS at Poly agonized until two days before the deadline between WPI and CP. They are both cut from the same cloth, different than most other classic engineering programs for sure. There’s LOTS to like at both. We certainly would have been happy had he chosen WPI too.

@eyemgh and @njmommadiddy We are a 5 hour drive from CP. In state means less than $30,000 a year total. Each time we’ve visited my son has come away really excited and sure that’s what he wants. But ME admissions is tough! All the stuff that WPI loved can’t be listed on CP app. Eagle Scout, 12 years in robotics, FIRST Dean’s list. So I just have no idea if he’ll get in. If not then WPI for sure (even if I have to sell some plasma to make it happen).

@njmommadiddy Looking at flights from San Diego it seems like they only land at Worcester at 11 pm. How hard is it to land at Boston and shuttle over?