Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

What I mean by “full credit”… I am referring to admission consideration point credit. You will certainly receive transfer credit for the classes if you are accepted :slight_smile: The bottom line is that it is very hard to transfer after just 2 years of community college unless you have a massive amount of AP or CLEP credits, have completed ALL of the undergraduate prerequisites (and hopefully have 60 units and a GE certification completed at the time of application).
I have found that many people are admitted into the UC system easier than to SLO due to their “criteria”.

Yeah I guess it must be different. I haven’t received a supplemental application for Northridge or SLO but I have for CSULB and SDSU. I know when I initially applied to SLO there was a supplemental part maybe that was it.

Major: Business Administration
Current College/University: CCC
GPA: 4.00
IGETC: Yes. Completed by Spring
Major Prep: Yes. Completed by Spring
College ECs: Internship with school’s accounting dept. Honors Program. Trilingual. Limited ECs unfortunately.
Highschool ECs: Band President etcetc (I have more)
I will completed 64 semesters by this spring in three semesters+summer school. I took 19-20 units every semester so I didnt have time for ECs and wouldnt know what to do actually.

Chance me maybe? :o

Guys! I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to update our grades for my courses I just finished? My GPa increased so it could possibly help my chances. The UC colleges sent me an email to update that information, but I haven’t heard from Cal Poly.

I just realized I left out my extracurricular on my application! I emailed the admissions office but I’m curious if you guys think there’s any chance for them to update my app?

Cal Poly doesn’t accept your Fall 2016 grades when they consider admission. They say NOT to send them as they will not update your GPA. Wait to see if they provisionally accept you …if they want to see your grades, they will ask for them then.

What extracurricular did you leave out?! I’m starting to think I left it out too because I only answered 3 short yes/no questions about having a leadership role etc. Has anyone gotten more information about academic transfer requests or supplemental writing?

As far as I know, they don’t care what your EC’s are. They only ask for total hours on the application, and that is what decisions are based on. So I’ve always been puzzled at how so many people post on this forum the details of their EC’s as if it matters.

That’s what I forgot, the hours, but I had email communication with the admissions office and they were able to add that detail in.

Someone posted in the Regular Decision forum for freshman that they got an admission decision, any transfers hear back?

oh wow I thought we aren’t supposed to hear back until april 1st

Major: Psychology
Current College: Merritt College (Bay Area)
IGETC: Yes, all done
Major Prep: Will complete last class by Spring 2017
GPA: 3.68
ECs: Work 15-20hrs/week, FYE Program at my cc
In-State, Out-of-State: CA

It’s times like this that you wish for a more active admissions twitter.

@bianca123456 i think its supposed to be “by” April 1st. A friend of mine got his acceptance during late February last year

@ZedtheDead thats great to know!! Was he asked for supplements around this time then? I’ve been trying to figure out a lot of the details but don’t know anyone who has transferred in. I’m wondering if asking for supplements is a common thing or only for people who are on the edge of being admitted or not.

@bianca123456 I think supplements for Cal Poly are only for specific programs/majors that they list on their website, and I think the deadline to submit any last application updates was january 15th, hope we all hear back relatively soon!

Major: Nutrition
GPA: 3.81
Current College: CCC
IGETC: completed
Major prep: all required classes are done and will finish recommended ones by spring 2017
ECs: work 21+ hours a week, clubs/volunteer 1-5 hours a week
Will have completed 78 semester units by the end of spring

@bianca123456 I don’t recall him mentioning anything about any supplemental forms. They, however, requested all his transcripts from all the colleges he had attended, and they had him fill up some sort of form that was not related to the classes he had taken and mail it back to them.

Hi everyone! I transferred to Cal Poly this fall if anyone has any questions feel free to message me!

@srslykarla Hey Karla, can you share your stats at the time of submission? How are you liking/disliking Cal Poly so far?