Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

@srslykarla When did they ask for your transcript, before your admission or when you got in?! Also when did you hear back?

“We are in SLO this weekend from out of state. I stopped by the Admissions office today to see if I could get more info about likely decision communication given that EA and ED are no longer offered. I was told they are tracking to notify around the same time they did last year and perhaps a bit earlier. Passing this on for whatever it’s worth. Good luck everyone!” Posted by someone in the regular decision thread. By the way the “same time as last year” part means around mid-feb. Hope this helps!

Major: Business Administration
Current College: CSU East Bay
IGETC: the only course I would have to take is a American Code/History requirement by spring 2017
Major Prep: will be completed by spring 2017
GPA: 3.63 (when I applied)
ECs: work 15-20 hours/week
In-State, Out-of-State: In-State

I just found out about this thread as I was stressing about hearing back from Cal Poly. Do you guys think that not taking that course could hurt me? What do you guys think my chances of getting in are?

@upsidedownturtle Is that a general education course I assume? It likely won’t have a huge impact if you’ve completed everything else (major prep, 60+ semester units, and golden 4). 3.63 is a decently competitive GPA for transfer, but your biggest drawback is that you’re transferring from another CSU and not a California Community College (CCC). It is more difficult to transfer from within the CSU system than from a CCC. That being said and all things considered I’d still give you reasonable odds of getting in.

@squirtlesquirtle My major is Environmental Management & Protection, my gpa was not that great honestly (3.4) and I was done with my IGETC. I LOVE Cal Poly. It’s so different from cc with quarter system and all honestly but it’s great here.

@bianca123456 I sent my transcript when they asked for it, I believe around May. I don’t remember honestly, but they will let you know when! I got in February 18 :slight_smile:

@Jaximus thanks! I knew transferring from another CSU would factor in but I didn’t know how much of an impact it would make

@srslykarla Ah I see. I’m seriously hoping Cal Poly accepts applicants who will have completed IGETC by spring and not at the time of submission. From all the posts I’ve read on College Confidential, its half and half. But thinking about all the students who are not on College Confidential…I don’t even know anymore. Regardless, expecting results to come out in two weeks! Cal Poly is my #1 choice. Four semesters into community college and I’m tired of it already haha.

@squirtlesquirtle I feel you, I was there once! I know some transfers who didn’t finish IGETC too so who knows how they pick! Good luck!

Does anyone know if decisions are sent out randomly or if there’s an order by college/major?

@dancergirl17 here’s what I found in the regular decision thread:
"This has been the order for the last seceral years.

Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences
Architecture & Environmental Design
Liberal Arts
Science & Mathematics"

I don’t know if this applies to transfers as well.

@srslykarla If you don’t mind me asking, what CC did you transfer from? I heard a lot of people from CC’s that aren’t in the area (aka everywhere except Cuesta) have a really hard time getting in. Do you know anyone who transferred from a CC that wasn’t in the area as well?

Aha! I just knew I was not the only one crazily waiting to hear from SLO.

Here are my stats:

Major: Child Development
Current College: College of the Desert
GE: IGETC and CSU certified
Major Prep: 2/3 courses uncompleted because unavailable at my college; however, I completed all of the rest and the recommended areas too
GPA: 4.0
Units: 73 semester completed by the end of Spring
ECs: 16-20 work & 20+ volunteering (in areas related to major)

…where are the rest of the C.D./Psych majors?

@FutureMissPT If you want to know how many students transfered to Cal Poly SLO from each community college, use this website . You only need to select Cal Poly under CSU campus and leave the rest of the form blank.

Holy shit. 180 students from Cuesta and 8 from my CCC. That’s not fair at all!

@ZedtheDead What we don’t know is how many students applied from each school. Considering Cuesta and Allan Hancock are so close to CPSLO, that’s likely the preferred transfer destination for those students by default. For all we know, maybe only a small number of students from our more remote CCC’s even applied to CPSLO. That said, it does make me nervous as well; only 13 transfers in all of the last 10 years came from my CCC. If I am accepted, I could very well be the only lucky one from my school this year.

Yeah nerve-racking as those statistics sound on paper, it’s likely more a quantitative thing, and just far more people from Cuesta apply to SLO than do people from our colleges.

Every CSU is like that. At CSUN and SDSU there is a humongous difference in standards between local and non-local applicants.

@FutureMissPT I went to Bakersfield College! While most are from Cuesta, you can still find people from schools other than Cuesta for sure

@srslykarla That’s awesome to hear! Thanks for your insight on this thread, it really helps. Congrats on getting in last year btw, that’s a huge accomplishment! @MLM This is an extremely helpful tool, thank you so much! It’s so crazy to see how picky they are from some of these southern community colleges. Hoping I can be part of those (few) stats!