Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

Do you guys think they’ll send out decisions by next week?

I dunno, I certainly feel the anticipation though. Even though it’s a long shot for me. Probably within the next month. Hopefully sooner.

Well, if it’s a long shot for you then it’s improbable for me lol

Major: Business Administration - looking to concentrate in Accounting
Current College: West Valley College, so not local to SLO
IGETC: Will be completed in SP 2017.
Major Prep: Will be completed in SP 2017.
GPA: 4.0
ECs: Movie Reviews on YouTube.
In-State, Out-of-State: In-State

Dang 4.0 people haha, if you have all your stuff and a 4.0 youre pretty much a sure thing guys

Major: Business Administration
School: Diablo Valley College
IGETC: Done by Spring
Major Prep: Done by Spring
GPA: 3.74
ECs: Football Coach, Work 20-25 hours per week

Excited to hear back soon hopefully, and look forward to hearing about other people getting accepted. The thread from transfers last year makes it seem like decisions will be coming out in the next couple weeks.

Major: History
School: Sonoma State University
IGETC: Already completed
Major Prep: Already completed
GPA: 3.27
ECs: Multiple jobs and volunteer hours

So a little background. I am a junior right now. Last year I applied to Cal Poly when I was at a community college. I was accepted conditionally, but then rejected because I accidentally thought I completed all of my major prep but I was missing 1 class that I said I was taking. I took that class this past semester at a community college. I have IGETC completed as well as an AA-T with honors in history. I know I’m applying to transfer from a CSU, but I have an associates degree and IGETC plus this will be my third time applying to cal poly, do any of you think there’s a shot? Thanks I appreciate it!

Poly released their transfer decisions last year on February 18th which is coming up this week… I wonder if we’ll hear back soon. Good luck everyone!

@nikkizee true, the first batch was released then, but don’t freak out if you don’t hear anything!

@justinmega1 definitely going to freak out if i don’t hear anything

When I applied, I reported some of my planned courses (none of which were major-related), but I ended up changing 2 of them because my college had not released their spring schedule yet and I only found out after I applied. They are still in the same IGETC areas and the same subjects as the ones I reported, just different course numbers (English 207 instead of 208, etc). I tried to change my application as soon as I signed up for classes for the spring semester, but when I tried it didn’t seem like there was a place to change classes that weren’t major-related. Do you think this will affect my acceptance if I’m accepted?

I hope that we start hearing soon! Good luck :slight_smile:

@dancergirl17 im in the same situation, I put a major desired course that I was going to take this spring, but it turned out that it was the same time as my required classes, so I couldn’t take it.

There was an online form to submit changes that was available through January 15. However, it is still OK to e-mail admissions to let them know of changes in your Spring 2017 schedule. When my son dropped a class, he e-mailed admissions (after January 15) and they sent an e-mail back saying that they took it off the application and wished him luck as well. :slight_smile:

csucp280…if you don’t mind me asking…would you recommend Sonoma State? I know several students who have applied there. I’d be interested in your review.

@calmom17 it’s a mediocre school. The teachers are fine but the general student body seems largely unmotivated and the only reason they came here was because their parents told them they had to go to college. Obviously that’s not everyone but there’s a lot of students like that.

wow. That’s not great to hear. These students are science majors (and are using Sonoma as a back up since this is such an impacted major) I appreciate your candid response. Would a serious student who enjoys athletics as well be seriously disappointed? What would be the better on-campus living choice for a transfer student in your opinion.

@calmom17 Thank you, I’ll send them an email! Just curious though, I did put it as planned on my application, so they have to expect that I might not take it right? Would they rescind my app over that?

@calmom17 as with anything it’s the most of what you make of it. There isn’t a big athletic presence at SSU but there are sports and there are club teams that people can participate in if they like. You can message me privately if you have more questions so that we don’t spam up this thread.

You know based off of last years transfer threads I feel like I have a better chance at getting accepted into this school than SDSU. It’s really annoying the difference in standards between local and non-local applicants. That being said it looks like some of us will start receiving responses next week and if you don’t get a response by March it’s still possible you will get in but not likely. It’s pretty random too some people in my major got accepted with much lower GPA’s and some with my own and higher got rejected.

@justinmega1 I don’t think that not taking a class will negatively impact your chances…unless the class was a requirement for your major. I suppose it could affect a decision if the class is “major related” for an impacted major too…but you e-mailed…they’re informed…you’ve done all the right things. So now it is just that “hurry up and wait” feeling that everyone is experiencing LOL