Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

So since that big glitch happened and they made us wait, that means they are going to go easy on the admissions and let the majority of us in right? :)) :)) lol

Question for y’all. i’m a business transfer (from College of Charleston, SC, but I was born/raised in California with a California license) with a relatively low gpa (3.15) so my chances of being accepted are very low… However I am on a varsity athletics team at the college I currently attend. With practice 5 days a week, morning workouts, and events every weekend, school work is challenging to complete. Does being on a varsity team have much influence on my decision you think? There was not much room to discuss this on the application. Love to hear your thoughts/experiences on this!!!

@sailorboy From what my CC counselor told me, they do take varsity sports/other extra curricular activities into account. Of course the weight changes per student and all you can really do is hope for the best. Best of luck!

In terms of residence, I was told that if you have only lived out of california for less than a year, then you should be fine. (I’ve been told two years as well, so I’m not quiet sure.) on the Poly website, it does have the specific criteria which they base in-state/out of state so just try and check for the accurate info.

I’m on the same boat, born and raised in California/California ID but currently live in Germany but applied as in-state as I’ve only been here for 8 months.

In terms of your chances, it just depends. I’m sure there was a box in which you had to check, asking if you were in any varsity sports at your previous school (are you planning on continuing at Poly?)

As long as you accurately put down the amount of hours you did for the team, thats as far as they will look, unfortunately. One of the many downsides of the way CSU’s evaluate potential students. Hope that helps and hope to see ya on the otherside!

Thanks both of you. @AudaciousGooner and @t0pnotch. There was a section where you could put down activities you do so I put it down there. I’m thinking if I get denied I will submit an appeal and go into a little more depth about that. Ah this wait is killing me. I miss California so much, and SLO is such an amazing place

its such bs that because of their computer systems we are the ones that are suffering and having to wait for them. this has been giving me along with many others so much stress on so many levels. you would think a school that makes millions would have their transfer system all figured out…

Accepted at UCSB - Economics. Still pending at Cal Poly.

What was your GPA ? If you don’t mind me asking


@Baykid97. I completely relate. I’ve absolutely loathed this silly waiting game - to the point of becoming very bitter and pessimistic. It reflects very poorly on the school, they need to get their act together!

couldn’t agree more! They have to understand people are trying to find houses for next year and also need to know if they will be moving to another city next year… It is unacceptable. I just hope this will all be worth it.

I just called again and asked about waitlist information and if they waitlist us then we don’t find out on our admission until July 15th!! that would be crazy long of a wait

Anyone know of someone who’s gotten in with a low gpa of around a 3.1 for business major? Or any major for that matter.

I haven’t heard of that but you never know!

Speaking of housing, does anyone have any ideas of what you plan on doing if you get accepted? i.e is there transfer housing/a transfer page where we could potentially find housing with other transfers?

@shnijone I’m going to be living on campus and I was thinking about that too. These are a few facebook pages I would try out:

-join the Cal Poly Class of 2020 roommate facebook page
-join the Cal Poly SLO housing/rooms/apartments by HousingAnywhere facebook page
-join the Association of Transfer Students, Cal Poly facebook page (reach out to them and ask if they have any tips)

I’ll probably ask Cal Poly too what they recommend and see if they can point me in another direction too. If there isn’t a page specifically for transfer housing this year, we should make one!! :smiley:

I got waitlisted last year around February and they notified me July 14th. It was a dreadful wait. ):


Accepted today around 3pm I’m an AG major

Accepted today around 3pm I’m an AG major

Accepted. Nutrition Major