Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@ashprox Please show me this vehicle code lol. There’s no exceptions to the front license plate law in California. If the vehicle you have purchased doesn’t come with a front-plate mount then you will receive a fix-it ticket to go out and purchase one on your own.

I called admissions yesterday and asked if we will here by march 27th because that is when the applications for housing come out and we need to know if we are accepted or not and he said we should know by then. So I’m hoping for maybe this Friday we find out.

@samssommers omg thank you so much! Good to know!

if anyone applied to UCSB their decisions came out today! lol, i can’t believe i heard back from a UC before a CSU. thanks for the info about the 27th!

i heard from ucsb today, admitted as a history major!

Rejected FROM UCSB
3.56 gpa
75 units at the end of spring
missing calc 2
hopefully I get in somewhere else

@samtamimi idk the vehicle code offhand, just heard lawyers cite it in court/judge’s ruling on it. You could probably look it up online. Lawyers are always finding loopholes… Like you also don’t need to use a blinker if there are no cars around, and the failure to use a blinker when no cars around is not cause for probable cause for a cop to pull you over. Saw a guy get out of dui because of that loophole.

Does anyone know the average admitted GPA for agriculture business last year? I have been admitted to SDSU for business admin ( real estate) and I know they have almost the same acceptance rate for transfers. just wanted to get peoples opinions because I have not done enough research. Thank you

@crimsonpetrichor heyooo me too! It’s nice to have another history major around. Maybe we’ll meet there lol

@polywoly don’t worry, you will! One door closes and another one opens, you’ll see

Accepted to UCSB (Econ)

I’ve also been accepted to UCSB.

I got accepted to UCSB today too for comm! Any day now Poly…

Lol Cal Poly Slow thread turn into UCSB thread xD keep posting your decision for UCSB~ this is too funny. Congratulations on your acceptance though =D!

Got accepted to UCSB for Computer Engineering

any UCSB sociology majors? i got accepted for that! happy to know some of us got some good news while going through this crazy wait. lol


Lol @sussmanm

@thatscoop maybe so!!! yay for History majors!

I also got accepted to UCSB… Maybe Cal Poly won’t be accepting transfers this year lol.

Went into Cuesta’s (local cc’s) counseling office today and was informed that there WAS a large glitch of some sort (they won’t tell them what happened exactly) but that it did significantly set them back. From her last contact with the admissions office they had just finished freshman application decisions and had not started transfer applications as of then. She said that from what it sounded like we would not be informed of the decisions until (most likely) spring break or into the first week of April.

Clearly there is still hope to hear back sooner but just know that most likely won’t be until then. Just another small update but its better than nothing!