Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@lauriebell What’s your gpa?


I haven’t seen any decisions for business or computer science so far today. But double check the thread, I could have missed them.


GPA: 3.50
Nothing special.
Although I’ve completed all the desired major related and I work 21+ in my major. I also got waitlisted last year and my stats have increased since then. I still don’t think they’ll be good enough, but one can hope. Although now it’s spiraling down rapidly. ):

I was looking at the terms and conditions for transfer students and it says we have to send transcripts at the time of notification of admission, would that be now then? or what do they mean by that?

@itsluna27 I think they mean now. They need to verify the information that was put on the supplemental application. I had to do the same for CSULB.

SDSU hands down. If you’re comparing it to Beach. Now if you were to get into Cal Poly, I’d side with that school over SDSU


Are you doing just econ, or emphasis in Accounting? If so, think twice and really hard before going to UCSB. You’re transferring in as a undergrad level. in the sense that you still have one class that isn’t matriculated at any cc, that you have to take, the infamous ECON 10A. They say only 30 percent of the students who take it pass with the required B or higher to get into the major. But I have had a friend tell me within the school, they tend to say it’s lower then that number.

Yes, UCSB is nationally recognized. But that shouldn’t be the deciding factor. If you don’t pass the class, you’re kicked out of your desired major. Although you literally have 3 opportunities to take the final exam, it’s very difficult and it puts a toll on the students there. I’ve seen it first hand, for living in IV/SB, you’d think these econ students would be happier but nooope. Also, once you’re at the level of difficulty of the coursework is pretty high (apparently GPA killer? but I believe that is simply relative).

Last year, I held a form of “Meet the Firms” at my CC and at the time I was stuck between UCSB for econ, like you, or Cal Poly/Fullerton. The specific recruiter was from Grant Thornton and she straight out told me, they tend to prefer Cal Poly students and even Fullerton Students for the amount of first hand experience and their grasp in the work they’ll be doing, I.E. accounting, auditing, etc etc. Opposed to UCSB students who are firstly Econ students, then business coursework here and there

It definitely is up to you, in terms of what career you want to take and what campus is best for you. Just remember, if you were to go to Cal Poly, you’re in the major/college. In UCSB, you’re not and taking a risk going in undeclared for your first quarter or two.

@slotrees @itsluna27
It’s after the decision. Only if you get accepted.

Congrats to those who have been accepted as transfer students to Cal Poly SLO! I would highly encourage parents of accepted students to join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents facebook page. There’s a ton of useful information, reminders about upcoming deadlines, and general Q&A from experienced Cal Poly Parents.

Accepted last night as a Physics major! Have a 3.75 GPA (ish - I don’t remember exactly)

@Catsandphysics I heard back last night for physics - accepted

@lauriebell Thank you. (: Yes, I got in for mechanical engineering. Are you mechanical as well?

Here are my stats:
Major: Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.82
Major GPA: 4.0
Location: LACCD
IGETC: Completed
Major Prereqs: ALL DONE

Related/recommended courses: c++, matlab, solidworks, blueprint reading, statics and mechanics of materials

EC/Academic Prep:

  • Solidworks certified
  • Tutor
  • Physics club president for 3 semesters
  • Research with physics professor
  • CS internship with c++ professor
  • Snap Inc. contract worker
  • Licensed in cosmetology
  • Mini4ku race car collector/competitor
  • Server for 6+ years

Good luck, crossing my fingers for you!

@Collegeis4bumz i went to SDSU and have good friends who have gone to UCSB! sdsu is very fast pace and very greek-life oriented. Also, it is not as close to the beach as I first expected. UCSB is definitely prettier in my opinion. However, San Diego is a great place to make connections for marketing. i HIGHLY recommend visiting both before you make up your mind

Just got in for Business Administration!!! YEEEW!

My portal says “conguratulations, you have been selected for admission to calpoly pending your meeting the following terms and conditions.”

Business accounting major
GPA 4.0
In state
I haven’t got an email yet it’s just in my portal


Gpa: 4.0
in state

Has anyone looked at the tab where you accept/deny the offer? I just saw it for the first time & mine said that I had already made a decision… but I definitely didn’t… anyone else see the same thing??

Business Admin, still waiting. Looks like I’m not getting in, good luck everyone else!

Gpa: 3.7

@bry.boom @Nas22334324 Is Slo your first choice??

@Ak1097 I only applied to SLO and SDSU but I’m still waiting on states decision.