Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@Ak1097 yeah as of now yes but I am kind of hoping to get in to UCB. My chances are low coz I am short a class for UCB. Which community college are you from and is Calpoly your first choice.


@Nas22334324 SLO OCOB is with UCI Merage for my third choice, USC is my second choice and UCB Haas, just like you, is my first choice if i get in :slight_smile: I’m from Las Positas CC

@t0pnotch Don’t give up yet!! I know it seems discouraging, but sometimes they release it all week long even if it looks like your major has already been released. Do not be discouraged, my friend :slight_smile: Best of luck!

Just got in for Business Administration, I have a 3.8 gpa, in state. I already enrolled to SDSU this week and filled out the housing application so I don’t get stuck with a crappy apartment. Though now I don’t know if I made a mistake, slo is nice and a great school, but also for hours away from home and not close to many places to intern. SDSU on the other hand is an hour away from home, close to downtown SD, and also a great business school.

Any CS majors find out yet?

Anyone get into Computer Science?

Business Major, emphasis in Entrepreneurship, still waiting to hear, 3.43 GPA @UCR, in state.

@anna717 : What is your emphasis in Business Admin?

Exact the same gpa as you, still waiting.

But I also will have adt, so not sure if that .1 really help me anymore


@CantaW its Marketing

I applied as a Business Admin major in-state 3.83GPA and didnt hear back. Does that mean since other people heard back I either got waitlisted or denied?

@anna717 im currently looking for somewhere to live around SDSU. I’m in the same boat as you (marketing) What does the housing look like, do you have to share a room?

@Collegeis4bumz places to live around SDSU is cheaper than actually living in SDSU apartments, though I went ahead and applied to living in SDSU apartments because they are closer to school and they assign a roommate, since I dont know anyone else going there. SDSU apartments are expensive, I signed up for a double apartment, but it gives you a choice

anyone apply for Industrial Technology and Packaging?

Accepted! Business with 4.0 GPA

@9785694 My friend got his acceptance yesterday for CS major

@IVokon I haven’t gotten anything probably I’m getting denied?

I am so scared :frowning: GOD DAMN IT!!!