Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@ggcm831 I don’t think we should get discouraged. That being said, I am starting to feel a bit nervous but lets hope for the best my friend.

When’s the last batch coming out? It better be before Monday cuz that’s when my spring break starts

They leave for spring break tomorrow @tommy949 so I think they should be done sending out acceptances by tomorrow night. That is just an opinion though not based on any knowledge.

When I went in to talk about acceptances few days ago they said there’s no spring break for the office

@tommy949 @thedailyjav Students leave for spring break tomorrow. According to another poster, they asked directly and the administration, specifically the Admissions office should be on-site through next week

For the people that got accepted, did they send you an email to check your portal?

@tommy949 yes, I received the congratulations email this morning around 9:50 AM and was accepted yesterday about 7:00ish.

Bus Admin 3.97 GPA
Comunity College in LA
Status : Accepted this morning

OMG! No norcal admissions :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

@tommy949 that’s what I was thinking. I’m from NorCal too. It seems like it was a lot of people from SoCal

I’m in socal and I haven’t heard anything yet /:

Anyone under 3.8 for business is going to get denied it looks like. Including myself (3.66) We tried and that’s all that matters

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :O! I’m so close! I have a 3.74!

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

So when do they start letting us know if we did not get accepted?

I haven’t heard anything either and nutrition majors were accepted yesterday… guess I’m going to start packing for SDSU

You never know! My fiancé and his best friend got accepted from high school for the same major at different times! The second table shows the stats for transfer students for last year. Stay optimistic!!

Well I got into SJSU and CSUEB. Their postgrad salaries are about the same, Cal poly slo has it like a few K higher

Do you guys have a last name that is past P?

@tommy949 Hey, do you have a link to salaries stats for all campuses?