Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

The CSU decisions should hopefully start rolling by next week??

My two cents: Based upon past history, CP SLO will start offering in-state admission notifications either next Tuesday (2/22) or the Tuesday after that (3/1).

And it will be just a start; they have this annoying habit of sending decisions out in drips and drabsā€¦


Wonder why they wouldnā€™t just send out all admissions decisions at the same time? Do they do it by college? So frustrating, we are in state and basically at a stand still on college decisions for my daughter until we hear from the California schools. WHY do they have to make it so difficult :disappointed_relieved: We have some great offers for months now from OOS schools, but just playing the waiting game nowā€¦ā€¦


The Cal states decisions are usually in waves over several weeks. Always been this way since I have been following CSU admissions.


Same here, and I presume we are not alone. Itā€™s torture!

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Many, many State schools donā€™t come out with decisions till March, or they come out with acceptances, but not financial details, which is just as frustrating.

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Admissions runs their application multiple criteria algorithm program during working hours during the week and as batches of acceptances are produced they are released to the portal/emailed out. Historically there are big waves and some trickles. If you want a firm date, everyone will know by April 1st, not April fools, though. I recently called and they said start looking the 2nd week of March. If enough people complain and put enough pressure on admissions they may relent and release all the acceptances at onceā€¦in mid March. I prefer that they continue what they are doing, releasing in batches. Iā€™m super anxious about finding out myself, however, Iā€™ve accepted that I wonā€™t I find out until late March. If I find out this Tuesday, super! If not, oh well. Be careful what you wish for folks!! Good luck all!!!


Does anyone know when Cal Poly SLO is coming out? I saw it came out on the 22nd of last year, which is 2 days from now.

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There are a few posts about that above yours. Yes, folks are conjecturing that initial responses could come out this week but it tends to roll out with final notifications happening by April 1.

Now if we could just get people to stop posting ā€œdecision: pendingā€ in the stats thread.


The Design and Studio Art School asked for portfolios the week of Jan 23. They were due by 2/16. Unsure if there is a second window to come or if that is done. My sonā€“studio artā€“got an email that said ā€œYou are invited to continue with your applicationā€ and gave portfolio details and links.

Thank youā€¦ I believe her major, Graphic Communications - UX Design is not under the Art & Design school so may not require portfolios. Either way there is nothing she can do about it now, just simply wait for decisions to come out. Good luck to your son!

thank you-- you as well!


I have a 4.7 weighted GPA, but my SLO capped is 4.05 :sob:
i hate capped!

They still look at all courses/grades and HS course rigor so you are not penalized based on the cap.


Oh okay, thatā€™s good. I just had a horrible freshman year. But overall I have taken 15 APs

Hoping admission comes out today


@Gumbymom When do you think decisions will come out today?? time in pst??

I have no insider information but it could be this week based on past years decisions.


My guess is when the admissions office closes they would release admissions so they donā€™t get bombarded with calls.

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Admissions office is open between 12-5 so my guess they would release them during that time period

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