Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I doubt it is considered for admission. My son is an NMF and was accepted while his friend who is an NMF has not received a decision.

Our school’s PSAT was also canceled. We were asked to submit SAT scores as an alternate entry.

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Which Twitter account?

Doesn’t really make a ton of sense that it happened this morning, and that’s all I see on Twitter…


Thank you for applying to Cal Poly. We have received your application. No determination has been made at this time.


Her Twitter reply also said she found out this morning. so ??
Maybe she just found the email but most people are checking the porta so ?


Prob so

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@OnPinsAndNeedles - I should note that my thinking that NMF influenced decisions is pure speculation. If the MCA has been adjusted since 2013 and rigor is weighted differently, it could be that his academic rigor weighed in more than we were estimating (in looking at his CalState application, he had 33.5 years of A-G, and took 8 AP classes as a junior - I thought he was nuts to do so, but maybe that helped? 17 APs overall).

Given what @2022Mother knows about her NMF and his friend, maybe it was not a factor after all.

I truly do not know if National Merit Semifinalist is considered for admission, or if there’s even a place somewhere on the application to report.
I do know that my son never reached out to any RD and deferred colleges after receiving the NM finalist mail to update them.
Btw his PSAT was also cancelled, along with all the SATs he registered for. Luckily the school was eventually able to host one, he used that score as the alternate entry for NMSQT.


I am glad to hear that alternate methods of entry were an option!

I don’t believe this is considered. It wasn’t part of the application when my son applied. It is considered for scholarships though from what I understand.


I concur that looking at the Supplemental Factors considered by the Cal states, NMF is not a consideration for admission but their merit scholarships.

UC’s no longer consider NMF in their admission decisions either.


And yet, that is not a typical MIT profile so, I hope it works out:)

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Anybody hearing anything today from Admissions? Waitlist or otherwise?

Same with my son. He got the award but wasn’t asked to upload anything.

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Nothing here either. The wait has been hard. Just want to know either way. At this point, my son is making alternative plans.


Still waiting. And refreshing here, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing…


No, but he started the school in 8th grade and 9th grade science/math teacher was amazing. My son was hooked and has taken all AP math/science and DE math classes since. He loves acting but knows it’s like pro sports, not everyone makes it so always had sights on college. MIT was a reach school for sure and he had mentioned even if he got in he really liked Cal Poly so he is happy with how things have worked out for him.

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Yes, this process is kind of ridiculous! Would be so much more civilized to just rip the bandaid off all at once!


Dray may have gotten in today. See post 2082

The next steps are clearly either waitlist or rejected – so I don’t understand the long delay. I am sure there is some reasoning for their process, in their minds – but let’s go already.