Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Has anyone called admissions? This feels just cruel at this point to have let some kids know last week (or maybe all acceptances) and leave all these other kids hanging. As if this process wasn’t hard enough on them!


Seems odd that she got in this morning. She’s the only person that’s posted that she got in today (that I can see)
Maybe she checked this morning and isn’t as locked in on this as most people who are on the boards, apps, etc.

yeah, I looked her up on Twitter. She did find out today. She is part of that very tiny trickle we have seen over the past week. Next step HAS to be waitlist…


us prospective transfers have been, majority of us are being told next week for us to hear anything so I am assuming it must be the same time line for this class.

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No, her email came in today (according to her on Twitter). We heard there could be a trickle…

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You’ve seen others?



I do not believe it is considered in the admissions process.

After a student is admitted, if they are a National Merit Finalist, they receive an email asking for them to send in their award letter. They do not send that email to everyone so they must go through admitted students and compare to the NMF list to know who to send it to.

@JenBar I have not seen anything since last Thursday other than this one today and I have looked on REddit, Twitter, ZEEMEE, here. I haven’t heard of anyone either. No stone has gone unturned in my quest😂


What time did they release decisions last week?

3:01 pm

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Just saw an acceptance on the Cal Poly parents’ facebook page - someone’s son was just accepted to physics.


this is brutal, wish they could just let everyone know their status so we can figure this already stressful time out!

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A Venn diagram may show that those waiting for decisions here surely overlap almost wholly with those awaiting UCI/UCSD/UCLA decisions, which a lot expect to happen by EOD tomorrow. It may in fact be one big circle of nervous parents and kids.


Yes my daughter applied to all three of those schools too


Maybe UCR too

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I am pretty sure I saw one other one this week, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it!

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The remaining acceptances are trickling… is anyone still holding out for another big drop? Am I just pessimistic?


Waiting on UCSB over here!