Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

What about engineering acceptances
are they still doing those?

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The big acceptance wave was last week. But more could trickle out. Just my educated guess.

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is that in regards to any major?

Son waitlisted today. CSU GPA 3.92, California resident, Political Science.

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Daughter was waitlisted Nutrition Major Northern Ca.

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Has anyone seen anything about
Sociology majors?

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Post #’s 1402 and 1597 were sociology acceptances. One OOS. About 7-8 days ago.

Yes, but just my educated guess based on what happened last year and how this year seems to be playing out. But there could be exceptions. For one thing, last year, acceptances for majors that required portfolios were much later than the others last year. Only people who work in admissions know for sure.

When are Waitlists and rejections coming?

There was a big waitlist wave today.

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Still waiting to hear from SLO…I’m guessing it’s going to be a rejection. Anyone know when they will let everyone know?

son was waitlisted for aerospace engineering at SLO and UCSC :woozy_face: 4.6 W GPA, EC, work experience, tons of AP classes…he got into SDSU and CSULB waiting to hear from UC Santa Barbara

but accepted to ASU & U of A with scholarships

SLO was first choice since he was little and all his friends got in who have higher and lower GPA’s

looks like AZ for college


Did he get in at UCSD, UCI, or UCLA?
My daughter is waitlisted at all 3, and still haven’t heard from Cal Poly (Business, also).

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Son still has not heard anything for aerospace. A couple friends waitlisted. Does this mean he was rejected?

where his friends waitlisted for the same major?

were* :woman_facepalming:t4:


My son still hasn’t heard for Aerospace but luckily he’s already been accepted to Embry Riddle. AZ for him too!


My son was also excepted to AZ as well. At your son has some great options

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Will SLO take appeal for students on waitlist?