Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

No you cannot appeal while on the waitlist. You have to wait for a denial before filing an appeal.

Do I need to do anything on portal to opt in the waitlist? How to find out number of waitlists are being offered?

I believe that the waitlist opt in is automatic and admissions usually will not tell you how many are on the current waitlist. Waitlist data for this year will be posted on the CDS in the Fall.

You can only go by previous years data to get an idea of the waitlist #’s which vary from year to year.

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When are rejections being released

Based on their historical timeline probably next week.

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Totally agree that calpoly can work for any major and cost/acceptance etc.are all factors. However, my point to the original post is that calpoly is not designed as a typical liberal arts school in that it is intentionally a tech school.

D22 was accepted into the music program on the initial wave of acceptances last week. The music major required an audition which she did on February 26th.


Also, be aware, appeals are notoriously unfruitful at Cal Poly.

The waitlist notification is my spam.


Thank you so you are automatically on the waitlist unless you notify admissions you want to opt out. Most schools ask waitlisted students to opt into the waitlist list.


If it is true 6000 of 68,000, the overall acceptance rate for SLO is around 9% this year. :scream:

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It would be about triple that because of yield.


SLO accepts around 3X as many applicants than their target Freshman class since not all admits will enroll. Looking at the Freshman profile from last year, they had an overall yield of 30.8% so you are looking at admitting around 18,000+.


Thank you, it makes sense.

S22 waitlisted for mechanical engineering but only showing up in the portal. No email in either inbox or spam. Anyone else?

So if my DS did not get an acceptance last week or a waitlist yesterday, can we assume denial coming Thursday/Friday next week?


That’s what I’m starting to think.

when was that? it seems waitlists are only showing up on the portal

Have computer science decisions for instate come out yet ? Thanks!

Yes some acceptances and some waitlist. Check this discussion thread or the stats only thread.

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