Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

The notification was sent by Cal Poly admission yesterday at around 6:00pm PST. It went to her spam box. Regardless of it, my D is not optimistic to be get off waitlist and decides to move forward for next option. Will keep posted the waitlist status, best of luck!


Sorry a couple more questions

  1. my understanding is that once you submit your SIR for a UC school you are not able to stay on the waitlist for another? My son got into UC Irvine but he cant accept Irvine and stay on the UCSD waitlist?
  2. Are the UC and Cal St systems connected
 specifically can my son submit a SIR for a UC school and still stay on the Cal Poly SLO waitlist?

Thank you!!

You can be on multiple waitlists at different schools UC/CSU, private etc
 while SIRing to another school. It is expected you commit to another school by May 1 since waitlist decisions may not be made till after that date.

If admitted off any waitlist and you decide to commit to another school, you will lose your original school deposit and then have to pay the new school deposit.


 so we can be on the waitlist for 1 CSU, 1 UC and multiple private schools but not submit a SIR for a UC school and remain on a different UC school waitlist?

You will need to SIR somewhere on May 1 but you can remain on the other school’s waitlists until you hear about admission or a denial. What is the top pick from the accepted schools and move forward.

Just checked

Thank you for applying to Cal Poly. We have received your application. No determination has been made at this time. :frowning: :rage:


My son from OOS was admitted into the Business school yesterday. They have a strange cadence of admission decisions.


Our oldest daughter just graduated CP 2021 journalism/minor poly sci but had a mediocre high school gpa and a 1200 SAT. Our son is
an aerospace major and had a 4.2 HS gpa 1490 SAT. He didn’t get in to any U ’ C 's except Riverside or anything else except CU Boulder direct ENG admit & Colorado Mines. But then our youngest daughter 4.0 hs gpa with no score waitlisted at Cal poly then rejected is now a freshman at U C Davis. Its all so random with these Ca state schools. It just seems to all work out in the end.,


What is also not specified is the split between FTF (first time freshman) and NTR (new transfers), so we’ll need more info before calculating any acceptance rates.

The freshman class is typically 5,000 students or somewhat less and new transfers students number about 1,000.

This was a nice update for our daughter


is there still a possibility of an acceptance into an engineering major

I think I’ve only seen like 2 Wine & Viticulture acceptances on here so far which seems very low. Anyone else see any anywhere else?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

My sons also still says the same. No determination has been made at this time. Please send some good vibes. He is bummed as most of his friends have got in, but he choose Computer Science and from reading all of this, it seems they are done accepting for that program??? :frowning:

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Can I ask what your son’s profile was? Gpa etc? Any EC? AP’s? Work experience?

He checked his portal Friday evening and it says waitlist. No email sent and no email in junk or spam.

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Any chance he didn’t add 8th grade algebra 1 in the application or didn’t have the A-G matching done correctly? His stats are really good so it is a little surprising.
Sorry he got waitlisted. My daughter was waitlisted too and she is really bummed

So no way to know how high or low they are on the waitlist for their major ?

It would be nice to know if they are 1st/2nd or really low on the list

One more comment about Chico. It’s a great schools and a great college experience! My sister and BIL both went there and loved it. I have 2 nephews and a niece there currently (CS, videography and psych) and loving it.

My sister who is an LCSW for Kaiser and does psych evals in the ER said it was a great place to do psych if you wanted to go to grad school for social work there or sac state afterward. Same for kids wanting to go into teaching (my niece might want to do that).

Good luck to all of our kids as they find their place and may they all thrive where they land! :heart:


There is no way to know your place on the waitlist.

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