Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

The decision process seems to have no rhyme or reason lately. My son and his friend both were accepted to Cal Poly for Mech engineering this year but his friend who has a 4.7 GPA, 36 on ACT (I know it doesn’t count) and tons of leadership and science ECs and DE math/science courses has been rejected or waitlisted to most UCs and other OOS colleges so far. I honestly thought his friend would get into the majority of the schools he applied to.


Have business administration majors from in-state been accepted yet?

There were accepted business administration students in the big acceptance wave. More could trickle out. No one knows for sure except the admissions office.


That saddens me. It is a bizarre system when a 4.7/36 student does not get accepted pretty much everywhere. That student never got a B, took mostly all APs, probably MENSA-genius level- crazy smart. Yes, CP is a competitive school but the system is broken… One possible reason that high stat students like the 4.7/36 don’t get in (that isn’t’ mentioned much on CC) is that the admission teams want geographic diversity. Although it is not always stated as an admission “factor” most schools proclaim how many counties, states, and countries they admit. There is a public SoCal academy that has a super high achieving student body. They probably have 100 students every year that “have the stats” for Cal or UCLA, but those UCs don’t want 100 from the same HS. So somebody with inferior stats gets in from a less competitive area/school for geographic diversity instead of all 100. Just one possible reason…


I have wondered the same thing. Our public high school is small, offers minimal APs, no IBs, and they don’t allow students to enroll in too heavy course loads. But the school is tough and the kids are challenged.

Even though the school is small, it’s a very educated/affluent community, and there is a high percentage of competitive HS students. When I look at the percentages of students accepted into UCs compared to other local, larger HSs, it’s similar. Even tho those HSs are not comparable. So in terms of total number of students accepted, it’s actually less from our school. We know of students that have transferred to other HSs that don’t have as good a reputation to increase their chance of getting into UCs.

I’m not sure there is a solution. I’m assuming the UCs have to cap the percent of students they accept from each school?

Is anyone here still waiting? The portal still says no decision has been made. My son applied as a Business Administration major.


My sons still says No decision… He is pretty bummed especially since he has been taking all around rigorous classes, ASB leadership etc… I feel like the same stats as most, its a bummer as most of the high GPA’s mentioned above most likely got into most of the UC schools and Cal Poly. To bad there is not a system to share the acceptance accross the board of all these amazing kids.

He choose computer science and I feel if he had choose another field that he would be in. What does it take to get into this program in an amazing school. He will most likely will go to one of the private schools he got into since he got really good scholarships and they seem to really want him and have sent a ton of info. (amazing smaller schools, but not as well known in computer science or engineering)

They say that students will end up where they are meant to go. Letting to and letting it happen is hard.


Why even allow kids to put a second major in? Clearly there will never be space.

This is the reply we got from the admissions office when we asked about being considered for a second major. Same stats as others 4.4 weighted, EC etc. in state, public high school. This was my son’s dream school.

“Yes, you would have been considered for your alternate major (if there was spot availability after those who chose it as their primary major were reviewed) prior to being added to the waitlist. However, the waitlist does only apply to the primary major at this point, so if you are offered admission, it will only be to Business Administration.“


I am still waiting, Business Admin major- decent stats in my opinion


i applied for business admin and mine still says the same thing


I feel like they are only considering people with a GPA between 4.00-4.25. As an algorithm is cutting all the students that have a lower or a higher one

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You cannot go by the GPA’s listed by posters since many did not calculate their SLO GPA. Anything over a 4.4 is mathematically impossible due to the 8 semester Honors cap and even a 4.35+ would be hard to achieve unless there were some Pass/Fail courses listed.


Same. Nothing in spam either

My son is waiting for comp sci too. I hate this process!! We knew it would be a stretch for SLO because I did see an article a few months ago that due to trouble filling staffing positions (most computer people want to work in industry and make more money than working academically) they were predicting the acceptance rate would be around 3% this year for comp sci. I tried to convince my son to try a different major but he said he only wants to do comp sci. This has been such a hard sad past week. He is waitlisted at UCSC but he is hearing a lot of his friends that weren’t considering UCSC (they have higher GPA than my son) and were hoping to go to Cal or UCSD but once they didn’t get in there they are now considering UCSC so my son is thinking more people will be doing that so that will lessen his chance of getting off the waitlist.


Is there a possibility that they will notify kids that they are off the waitlist and admitted before the May 1st deadline? Is it worth checking everyday?

I haven’t done the math to determine maximums possible but I think there could be quite a lot of applicants at 4.3 or slightly above because of the number of students who had one semester of pass/fail. My son’s SLO GPA is 4.33 based on a-g only, 9-11 grade, 8 semester cap. He got the maximum AP/honors bump because of when he took the classes plus the bump from a semester of pass/fail. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to have helped because he’s still waiting for a decision for CS. Makes me wonder if SLO is weighting factors other than GPA a little higher than usual this year. He had maximum EC hours with leadership but low work hours and not related to major. Also non-local and none of the other categories that give additional points.

For everyone that has not been accepted or waitlisted when do you think rejections will come so our kids can move on?

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move on now :smile:

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Same here. My son has strong GPA and leadership items and still just says no decision. Very frustrating.


I feel your pain! My son also insisted that he only wants to do computer science despite my efforts to tell him how competitive it is. He’s regretting that now. His UC GPA is 4.0/4.3/4.5 but he hasn’t been accepted to a single UC. WL at UCSC, UCD, UCI, UCSD. Denied UCLA. Waiting for UCB, UCSB, and SLO. On the bright side he’s been accepted to several OOS schools, not direct to CS major but with a path to it. Also, the agony of all the rejection and uncertainty has prompted him to think of alternative majors like physics and math, which I think are actually a better fit for him. So it will likely work out in the end but OMG what a process! Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.