Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I vaguely remember eating a donut, an Apple Fritter, back during the Reagan Administration. :grin:


I think Scout is excellent. Highest quality stuff on campus.

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Good luck to your daughter as well. Update is she LOVED U of Oregon, but is still holding some fleeting hope to get into SLO. I absolutely agree that it would be fantastic if CA universities did what other states do. Prioritize in-state students. We are talking about public schools that most of us have been paying into most of our lives.

It is what it is. CAā€™s loss is another stateā€™s gain.


Iā€™ve been wondering why SLO didnā€™t send DS the Honors Program invitation after we requested it. Heā€™s not the highest stat kid applying to SLO (4.23), so I figured he didnā€™t make the cut for the kids they invited on their own. But their site says they send it out within 48 hours of getting the request for the application link. And I wasnā€™t able to get the application questions from the FB parent group. Today we discovered heā€™d been invited by the school the first day and it had gone into his SPAM folder. We havenā€™t seen anything else from SLO go in there so it didnā€™t occur to me to have him look in SPAM.

The first question fits well with what he submitted to the Kellogg Honors College, so that can be reused. But he doesnā€™t have anything for the other essay right now. Heā€™s torn. On one hand, he doesnā€™t want to miss the deadline and discover later that he wishes heā€™d applied, but on the other hand, he has been writing these big papers for his classes over spring break and heā€™s getting so burned out. The idea of another essay is stressing him out. Iā€™ll give him a couple of days to decompress and then ask him if he wants to apply.

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Are all decisions out? My sonā€™s friend still has not received his decision. Seems odd.

No. Theyā€™re not all out.


Is anyone still waiting for kinesiology decision?


Mine did not submit either. I reached out to the Architecture department and they confirmed that Freshman applicants can not submit portfolios.

Still waiting to hear from SLO for the Arts & Design major
Meanwhile my D has got into California college of Arts -SF with pretty decent financial /merit scholarship, into Woodbury - not much of financial aid. She did get into CPP & many other CSUs too.
She is accepted into Drexel -Westphal art school
with a decent financial aid. She is interested in fashion design. Any one any suggestions?
We live in San Jose


My daughter is doing fashion at either TCU or Alabama. Not yet decided

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What does TCU stand for? which college in Alabama?

Texas Christian University

My daughter is still pending for kinesiology too


Drexel has some amazing coop opportunities for students. Make sure your student understands the way the terms workā€“its definitely different than many other schools. Philadelphia is a fantastic city with a great arts scene,

Me too

Not heard yet for D22

Also, my D22ā€™s friend who got into UCB and UCLA has not heard from SLO yet.
This is just for reference. She is an extremely high stat kid.


Are all acceptances at CalPoly conditional?

Just got the answer from CalPoly website - yes!


yes. The wording is stressful. But as long as you donā€™t get a D or F you are ok. Even if you do, you can explain circumstances to admissions officers. The key is to keep them informed and give a reason if something goes terribly wrong.

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